"Merry Christmas" - the political hot button of December.
This however could be positive.
Because wishing someone Merry Christmas rather than "Happy Holidays" is now politically incorrect due to it being Christian and thus not inclusive, I see it as having so much more power in it's usage than in years past.
Merry Christmas a decade ago was the norm. Even for non-Christians, or those that had no clue what the season was really about, it was an accepted and even looked forward to time of year.
It seemed most people associated it with Santa, reindeer, gifts, food, family, travel,or just time off school or work- but it was our culture to celebrate it.
Now, because of Christmas' political incorrectness it has been granted it's rightful place as a truly Christian celebration.
Now when someone wishes me Happy Holiday and I respond with Merry Christmas, it has a punch it had previously been missing. Now Merry Christmas means "Hallelujah, Jesus was born!" Said with hope, truth and love, it can offer so much more than when it was an acceptable part of our culture.
Yay for political incorrectness!
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
A Number
Our culture has really done a number on us.
As my eldest daughter is preparing to speak to a group of Brownies about "disability" I realized how entrenched even the church has become in the thinking preached by our modern society.
It is tempting when sharing with someone about disability, to share all the things we can do. "Hey, I'm blind, but this is what I do..." And then list all the activities and great things I am involved in and capable of.
Do you see the problem here?
It's subtle and has infiltrated our whole society.
The problem is that we define worth and value by what we have the ability to do and contribute.
Our worth and value come because we are human, created in the image of God.
Having this Biblical perspective then, explains why we should not euthanize a 90 year old laying in a nursing home, or abort a baby that has screened for Down Syndrome.
We are not cats that get "put down" when disabled, old, in pain, and have no further hope of living.
We are not animals.
We are human
We are not just a number.
We are God's image bearers.
Luke 12:6,8
Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins?And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Psalm139:13, 14
For You created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
As my eldest daughter is preparing to speak to a group of Brownies about "disability" I realized how entrenched even the church has become in the thinking preached by our modern society.
It is tempting when sharing with someone about disability, to share all the things we can do. "Hey, I'm blind, but this is what I do..." And then list all the activities and great things I am involved in and capable of.
Do you see the problem here?
It's subtle and has infiltrated our whole society.
The problem is that we define worth and value by what we have the ability to do and contribute.
Our worth and value come because we are human, created in the image of God.
Having this Biblical perspective then, explains why we should not euthanize a 90 year old laying in a nursing home, or abort a baby that has screened for Down Syndrome.
We are not cats that get "put down" when disabled, old, in pain, and have no further hope of living.
We are not animals.
We are human
We are not just a number.
We are God's image bearers.
Luke 12:6,8
Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins?And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Psalm139:13, 14
For You created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Thursday, 16 November 2017
One Liners Part Two
I shared a "one liner" from a book I had read a couple weeks ago.
Today, I want to share a one liner from a movie.
The movie is called "A Matter of Faith" and is about the creation evolution issue and how it affects youth in university.
The one line I found profound in this movie was: "You can't just add Jesus to your life, you must submit to Him."
I have been pondering this line for a while now and have asked myself, "Where am I just adding You to my life Lord vs submitting to You?"
I suppose that will be a lifelong journey kind of question. One thing that would help in answering it though would be to become aware of what it looks like to be submitted to Christ rather than stapling Christ to my already in tact day.
Teach me to do Your will,
For You are my God;
Psalm 143:10
The great thing is, we do not have to wait around hoping to hear from God as to what His will is! He has set out plainly in Scripture His thoughts on this matter.
We are not under the law anymore like in the Old Testament, however, there is a lot in Scripture that reveals Christ's heart and will.
Here are 50 instructions directly from Jesus to give us some idea of His will and what it might look like to live in submission to Him. I would encourage you to look these up in Scripture to understand the context of these summarized statements made by Jesus.
Living like this leaves no room for just adding Jesus to our day by going to church, saying grace, or singing a song. This submission is radical and why Jesus says it is a narrow road and advises us to count the cost.
Today, I want to share a one liner from a movie.
The movie is called "A Matter of Faith" and is about the creation evolution issue and how it affects youth in university.
The one line I found profound in this movie was: "You can't just add Jesus to your life, you must submit to Him."
I have been pondering this line for a while now and have asked myself, "Where am I just adding You to my life Lord vs submitting to You?"
I suppose that will be a lifelong journey kind of question. One thing that would help in answering it though would be to become aware of what it looks like to be submitted to Christ rather than stapling Christ to my already in tact day.
Teach me to do Your will,
For You are my God;
Psalm 143:10
The great thing is, we do not have to wait around hoping to hear from God as to what His will is! He has set out plainly in Scripture His thoughts on this matter.
We are not under the law anymore like in the Old Testament, however, there is a lot in Scripture that reveals Christ's heart and will.
Here are 50 instructions directly from Jesus to give us some idea of His will and what it might look like to live in submission to Him. I would encourage you to look these up in Scripture to understand the context of these summarized statements made by Jesus.
Living like this leaves no room for just adding Jesus to our day by going to church, saying grace, or singing a song. This submission is radical and why Jesus says it is a narrow road and advises us to count the cost.
- Repent—Matthew 4:17, Luke 13:3
- Let not your heart be troubled—John 14:27, John 16:33, Matthew 6:25-26, Philippians 4:6-7
- Follow me—Matthew 4:19
- Rejoice—Matthew 5:12, (Also 2 Corinthians 6:10, 12:10, James 1:2-4)
- Let your light shine—Matthew 5:16
- Honor God’s law—Matthew 5:17-19
- Be reconciled—Matthew 5:24-25
- Do not commit adultery—Matthew 5:27-30
- Keep your word—Matthew 5:33-37
- Go the second mile—Matthew 5:38-42
- Love your enemies—Matthew 5:44
- Be perfect—Matthew 5:48
- Practice secret disciplines (giving, praying, fasting)—Matthew 6:1-18
- Lay up treasures in heaven—Matthew 6:19-21
- Seek first the kingdom of God—Matthew 6:33
- Judge not—Matthew 7:1-2
- Do not throw your pearls to pigs—Matthew 7:6
- Ask, seek, and knock—Matthew 7:7-8
- Do unto others—Matthew 7:12
- Choose the narrow way—Matthew 7:13-14
- Beware of false prophets—Matthew 7:15
- Pray for those who spread the word—Matthew 9:37-38
- Be as shrewd as serpents—Matthew 10:16. (Also Romans 16:19)
- Fear God. Do not fear man— Matthew 10:28 (Also Luke 12:4-5)
- Listen to God’s voice—Matthew 11:15, 13:9, 13:43, Mark 4:23, Luke 14:35, 1 Kings 19:11-13
- Take My yoke—Matthew 11:29
- Honor your parents—Matthew 15:4
- Beware of false teaching—Matthew 16:6, 11-12
- Deny yourself—Luke 9:23 (Also Matthew 10:38 and Mark 8:34)
- Do not despise little ones—Matthew 18:10
- Go to Christians who offend you—Matthew 18:15 (Also Galatians 6:1)
- Forgive offenders—Matthew 18:21-22 (Also Proverbs 19:11)
- Beware of covetousness—Luke 12:15
- Honor marriage—Matthew 19:6, 19:9
- Lead by being a servant—Matthew 20:26-28
- Make the church a house of prayer for all nations—Mark 11:17
- Pray in faith—Matthew 21:21-22, John 15:7
- Bring in the poor—Luke 14:12-14
- Render unto Caesar—Matthew 22:19-21
- Love the Lord—Matthew 22:37-38
- Love your neighbor—Matthew 22:39
- Be born again—John 3:7
- Await My return—Matthew 24:42-44
- Celebrate the Lord’s supper—Matthew 26:26-27
- Watch and pray—Matthew 26:41
- Keep My commandments—John 14:15
- Feed my sheep—John 21:15-16
- Make and baptize disciples—Matthew 28:19
- Teach disciples to obey—Matthew 28:20
- Receive God’s power—Luke 24:49
Saturday, 11 November 2017
Privacy is a hot topic these days. Big data - the collection of multiple sources of data, and the piecing of it all together to give a comprehensive picture of each one of us, is causing people concern. It's really the end of privacy as we once knew it.
That aside, there is one area which is even more extreme in its lack of privacy than big data, and yet, I am grateful for it. It actually gives me a feeling of peace and freedom.
That lack of privacy is the Lord. There is absolutely not one iota of anything about us that is private. Not one thought, dream, action, word... nothing.
But.. God will NEVER use any of it against us. Ever. In fact, He knows it all, and loves us anyway. So much that He took the penalty for every single thing we wish was private!
From the time I became a Christian, this knowledge that God knows everything about me, has been one of the most freeing and reassuring understandings of my faith. There is nothing He could find out about me, that would ever affect my relationship with Him. Nothing will ever take Him by surprise or change His mind about loving me. No privacy. Nothing hidden. No masks.
No worries.
That aside, there is one area which is even more extreme in its lack of privacy than big data, and yet, I am grateful for it. It actually gives me a feeling of peace and freedom.
That lack of privacy is the Lord. There is absolutely not one iota of anything about us that is private. Not one thought, dream, action, word... nothing.
But.. God will NEVER use any of it against us. Ever. In fact, He knows it all, and loves us anyway. So much that He took the penalty for every single thing we wish was private!
From the time I became a Christian, this knowledge that God knows everything about me, has been one of the most freeing and reassuring understandings of my faith. There is nothing He could find out about me, that would ever affect my relationship with Him. Nothing will ever take Him by surprise or change His mind about loving me. No privacy. Nothing hidden. No masks.
No worries.
Friday, 10 November 2017
The Atheist's Default
I did something today I have never done before.
I perused two atheist websites.
Made me feel like a spy collecting intel!
What I discovered was quite revealing.
Whether they call themselves atheists, humanists, secularists, or freethinkers, the themes of their articles and blog posts reveal to me that these individuals are atheists not because they have worked to discover truth or the existence of God, but rather because the desires of their hearts are such that they do not want to be accountable to God.
Repeatedly, the articles dealt with four things: abortion, doctor assisted killing, evolution, and LGBTQ.
These areas are crucial to these individual's agendas, such that they must declare atheism. The only other alternative is a deliberate rebellion toward a God of truth, morality, and righteousness. They are unwilling to change their agenda. Thus, they must declare atheism in a backwards way of protecting themselves from God's judgement.
Atheism has not come first, it has been a default of their heart's depravity.
The other thing I noticed in their commentaries, was a focus and deep hatred of Christians. Sarcasm, intolerance, and condemnation were specifically directed toward everything Christian. This by the way, is very positive, in that at least some Christians are doing a good job of representing God to the point of receiving the wrath of atheists! It's a persecution that will only increase as God removes His restraining Hand from those who rebel repeatedly.
My opinion only here: From the two atheist websites I perused, I do not see that we are dealing with people that are honestly seeking truth.
Instead, I see a people who want to be their own god, doing things their own way. I see a people who have ignored their consciences that God has given them, and are now being loosed from God's protective, merciful, embrace. I see a people who have shut their ears.
My conclusion from this experience is that we need humility in order to find God. We need to be willing to deny the god in each one of us that wants to rise up and take the throne. We must be willing to be held accountable, to soften our hearts to the conviction of a righteous God. We must be willing to repent. Only then can we find truth, mercy, and salvation.
Romans 1:24,25
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen
Romans 1:28 - 32
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
I perused two atheist websites.
Made me feel like a spy collecting intel!
What I discovered was quite revealing.
Whether they call themselves atheists, humanists, secularists, or freethinkers, the themes of their articles and blog posts reveal to me that these individuals are atheists not because they have worked to discover truth or the existence of God, but rather because the desires of their hearts are such that they do not want to be accountable to God.
Repeatedly, the articles dealt with four things: abortion, doctor assisted killing, evolution, and LGBTQ.
These areas are crucial to these individual's agendas, such that they must declare atheism. The only other alternative is a deliberate rebellion toward a God of truth, morality, and righteousness. They are unwilling to change their agenda. Thus, they must declare atheism in a backwards way of protecting themselves from God's judgement.
Atheism has not come first, it has been a default of their heart's depravity.
The other thing I noticed in their commentaries, was a focus and deep hatred of Christians. Sarcasm, intolerance, and condemnation were specifically directed toward everything Christian. This by the way, is very positive, in that at least some Christians are doing a good job of representing God to the point of receiving the wrath of atheists! It's a persecution that will only increase as God removes His restraining Hand from those who rebel repeatedly.
My opinion only here: From the two atheist websites I perused, I do not see that we are dealing with people that are honestly seeking truth.
Instead, I see a people who want to be their own god, doing things their own way. I see a people who have ignored their consciences that God has given them, and are now being loosed from God's protective, merciful, embrace. I see a people who have shut their ears.
My conclusion from this experience is that we need humility in order to find God. We need to be willing to deny the god in each one of us that wants to rise up and take the throne. We must be willing to be held accountable, to soften our hearts to the conviction of a righteous God. We must be willing to repent. Only then can we find truth, mercy, and salvation.
Romans 1:24,25
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen
Romans 1:28 - 32
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Monday, 6 November 2017
The One Liners
One liners usually refer to funny quips, however, every now and then as I am reading a book, I will read a line that is profound.
You know the author has spent time working through something, living through something, in order to write it into the story line.
"Part of her strength came from accepting that it would never be over quickly." (Dee Henderson)
I have seen people whose hope is in God healing them. They zoom from one healing service to another for that magic prayer. That one anointed minister who has the magic touch and they will be set free from whatever ails them.
God does absolutely heal. And ... God also chooses not to heal.
If hope resides in healing and not in Christ alone, then the result is huge disappointment in the very nature of who God is - and sometimes questioning if He even is.
When I was in the hospital during my eldest daughter's trauma, I walked the corridors asking God this... "You healed in the Bible. You spoke, it was done. Why are You not healing Monica now?".
Like usual, God did not answer that question directly.
Instead, He impressed these words on me.
"In the New Testament, I healed and it got a line or two. Go read Job, he got a whole book."
At that moment in time, I knew our walk would be the long haul.
I also knew, and keep reminding myself, that the result will far surpass just a physical healing for the here and now. Job was changed deep in his spirit and soul. At the end he could say, " My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You." Job 42:5
How can we ever experience God as Comforter if we never need comforting.
How can we experience God as Counselor, if we think we don't need counseling?.
How can we ever experience God as Protector, Refuge, Strong Tower, Sheild... if we are always safe, comfortable, and living a life of ease?
I am told God has about 1,000 names. I don't want to serve a God I do not know. God wants to be known by us. God wants to be involved in our lives. Let us embrace God in every circumstance.
The other part of this, is that God is all wise. He has certain things He wants to develop in us. Perseverance, faith, hope... I want to trust Him to do the work He needs to do in me so I grow and improve.
Not only that, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.…Romans 5:4,5,6
You know the author has spent time working through something, living through something, in order to write it into the story line.
"Part of her strength came from accepting that it would never be over quickly." (Dee Henderson)
I have seen people whose hope is in God healing them. They zoom from one healing service to another for that magic prayer. That one anointed minister who has the magic touch and they will be set free from whatever ails them.
God does absolutely heal. And ... God also chooses not to heal.
If hope resides in healing and not in Christ alone, then the result is huge disappointment in the very nature of who God is - and sometimes questioning if He even is.
When I was in the hospital during my eldest daughter's trauma, I walked the corridors asking God this... "You healed in the Bible. You spoke, it was done. Why are You not healing Monica now?".
Like usual, God did not answer that question directly.
Instead, He impressed these words on me.
"In the New Testament, I healed and it got a line or two. Go read Job, he got a whole book."
At that moment in time, I knew our walk would be the long haul.
I also knew, and keep reminding myself, that the result will far surpass just a physical healing for the here and now. Job was changed deep in his spirit and soul. At the end he could say, " My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You." Job 42:5
How can we ever experience God as Comforter if we never need comforting.
How can we experience God as Counselor, if we think we don't need counseling?.
How can we ever experience God as Protector, Refuge, Strong Tower, Sheild... if we are always safe, comfortable, and living a life of ease?
I am told God has about 1,000 names. I don't want to serve a God I do not know. God wants to be known by us. God wants to be involved in our lives. Let us embrace God in every circumstance.
The other part of this, is that God is all wise. He has certain things He wants to develop in us. Perseverance, faith, hope... I want to trust Him to do the work He needs to do in me so I grow and improve.
Not only that, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.…Romans 5:4,5,6
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Never did that Before: Part Three
An inventor, a plantation slave owner, an architect, a university founder, and third president of the U.S.A.
OR as he wrote for his own epitaph...
"Author of the Declaration of Independence [and] of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom & Father of the University of Virginia."
Part 3: A President's House - Behind the Scenes
Coming from Canada, I find it hard to stand in a spot that is so celebrated (Monticello - the home of Thomas Jefferson), knowing it was a place of slavery, both inside and outside this 5,000 acre plantation. On average he had 150 slaves.
We did not do the slave tour of Mulberry Row as we did not have time before Theatre #2, however we learned some things about the main house slaves. Because Jefferson built on top of this 850 foot mini mountain, he used slaves to run down the hill to fetch water for him. He was often without enough water up on that hill.
The most interesting aspect I found of this 2-hour Behind the Scenes tour was seeing in every room evidence of Jefferson's creativity, enjoyment of science, inventing and learning.
The Entrance Hall, (actually a huge foyer where he would greet people), was filled with inventions, maps, animal antlers, and Native American artifacts displayed with the purpose of instigating conversation. This is where Jefferson would personally greet and "educate" his guests.
In this room he had a huge clock/calendar on a pulley system that as the weights fell, the day would change accordingly.
One of the most fascinating rooms was Jefferson's "cabinet" or study. He had a screen that partitioned it off from his bed chamber.
In this room were so many interesting "gadgets" but it is also where he wrote thousands of correspondence letters..
Now this was Anna-Lee's favorite room. The Dome room had no furniture, but it had windows all around, and a sky-dome on top.
One other special feature of this room was a hidden cubby
room that children would play in. This was the only room we could
actually take a photo in.
We certainly learned - we leanred we do not know much about Thomas Jefferson and American history! However, this was a very interesting introduction to a very complex man.
I think he would have enjoyed living in ancient history where man lived into the hundreds of years. He seemed to want to learn everything that was out there to learn.
Indeed, a Behind the Scenes look at Monticello and the man of Thomas Jefferson.
And finally...
the 13 hour drive home!
OR as he wrote for his own epitaph...
"Author of the Declaration of Independence [and] of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom & Father of the University of Virginia."
Part 3: A President's House - Behind the Scenes
Monticello - pictured on the back of the American nickle |
Coming from Canada, I find it hard to stand in a spot that is so celebrated (Monticello - the home of Thomas Jefferson), knowing it was a place of slavery, both inside and outside this 5,000 acre plantation. On average he had 150 slaves.
We did not do the slave tour of Mulberry Row as we did not have time before Theatre #2, however we learned some things about the main house slaves. Because Jefferson built on top of this 850 foot mini mountain, he used slaves to run down the hill to fetch water for him. He was often without enough water up on that hill.
The most interesting aspect I found of this 2-hour Behind the Scenes tour was seeing in every room evidence of Jefferson's creativity, enjoyment of science, inventing and learning.
The Entrance Hall, (actually a huge foyer where he would greet people), was filled with inventions, maps, animal antlers, and Native American artifacts displayed with the purpose of instigating conversation. This is where Jefferson would personally greet and "educate" his guests.
In this room he had a huge clock/calendar on a pulley system that as the weights fell, the day would change accordingly.
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Monticello Entrance Hall |
In this room were so many interesting "gadgets" but it is also where he wrote thousands of correspondence letters..
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My favorite: The polygraph. He used one pen, which made the second pen duplicate the writing creating an almost perfect copy - one to send, one to keep. |
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Jefferson designed this himself to allow him to use 5 documents at once. |
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The Dome Room where Jefferson came and viewed the solar eclipse. Otherwise he only came up the stairs of his house two or three times. He lived on the main floor only. |
See the dome from the outside? That's the room I'm taling about and where we are in these photos! |
Open the doors and ...look way down. The grand kids would stack boxes to act as stairs to get down to the room they decorated... The lady on the left was our very well informed guide. |
The little nook |
We certainly learned - we leanred we do not know much about Thomas Jefferson and American history! However, this was a very interesting introduction to a very complex man.
I think he would have enjoyed living in ancient history where man lived into the hundreds of years. He seemed to want to learn everything that was out there to learn.
Indeed, a Behind the Scenes look at Monticello and the man of Thomas Jefferson.
And finally...
the 13 hour drive home!
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Never Did that Before! - Part Two
Two Theatres... Two days... Two states... Two unique experiences
Part Two: Pondering and Processing ...
Theatre number 1 was the reason we made this whirlwind tour in the first place. Attending the "Sight and Sound Theatre" in Lancaster Pennsylvania was on invitation by another family heading down to celebrate a 13th birthday. We'd heard about this Christian mega theatre with live animals and incredible sets for years, but this was the impetus we needed to drive down and make attending a reality.
There is no doubt that this was a grand theatre, with spectacular set, design, costumes, music, and props.
But it was also Scripture.
The show was the Biblical account of the Book of Jonah (with artistic license for the parts not contained in Scripture although done in a very realistic and probable way, with a tad of humour thrown in)!
This is the Jonah that was sent to Nineveh, didn't want to go, ran away, big storm, tossed overboard, swallowed by a "big fish," spit up on shore, went to Nineveh, Ninevites repented and were saved, Jonah sulked. That Jonah!
When the show was over and the families met up for dinner, of course the question was asked - "What did you think?" "Wasn't that amazing? "Did you like it?"...
Here's a secret about me though... the deeper something is... the more something affects my heart... the quieter I get. I need time to process and ponder.
And this presentation certainly had depth..
Dealing with topics of unforgiveness, mercy, judgement, repentance, freedom, obedience, God's compassion, humility, and declaring truth without love... how does one swim from that depth back to the surface?
Well, I've now had some time to ponder and we all agree, we want to go back next year for thier production of "Jesus."
Theatre number 2 was in Charlottesville Virginia. It was a small local black box community theatre. The show was done to a story written by a local author, put into production using the talent of a local producer, local young actors, and the scores were written by local musicians.
But that does not mean it was not deep.
The plot and subplots dealt with grief, friendship, being true to oneself, taking off masks, and honesty.
A friend of Anna-Lee's had the lead in this musical, so having already driven to Lancaster, we agreed it would be great to carry on the next few hours to Charlottesville Virginia.
Both of these productions have stayed with me as I think through their messages. Yay for script writers, and all the work that goes into producing, directing, song writing, singing and acting in theatres of all sizes.
These two experiences at two theatres, in two states, alongside new and wonderful friendships were definitely worth the 13 hour drive back home the next day!
Part Two: Pondering and Processing ...
Theatre number 1 was the reason we made this whirlwind tour in the first place. Attending the "Sight and Sound Theatre" in Lancaster Pennsylvania was on invitation by another family heading down to celebrate a 13th birthday. We'd heard about this Christian mega theatre with live animals and incredible sets for years, but this was the impetus we needed to drive down and make attending a reality.
"It's a palace!" exclaimed Anna-Lee |
2,000 + seats, and 300 foot wrap around stage |
The Lion lays down with the Lamb fountain |
But it was also Scripture.
The show was the Biblical account of the Book of Jonah (with artistic license for the parts not contained in Scripture although done in a very realistic and probable way, with a tad of humour thrown in)!
This is the Jonah that was sent to Nineveh, didn't want to go, ran away, big storm, tossed overboard, swallowed by a "big fish," spit up on shore, went to Nineveh, Ninevites repented and were saved, Jonah sulked. That Jonah!
When the show was over and the families met up for dinner, of course the question was asked - "What did you think?" "Wasn't that amazing? "Did you like it?"...
Here's a secret about me though... the deeper something is... the more something affects my heart... the quieter I get. I need time to process and ponder.
And this presentation certainly had depth..
Dealing with topics of unforgiveness, mercy, judgement, repentance, freedom, obedience, God's compassion, humility, and declaring truth without love... how does one swim from that depth back to the surface?
Well, I've now had some time to ponder and we all agree, we want to go back next year for thier production of "Jesus."
Theatre number 2 was in Charlottesville Virginia. It was a small local black box community theatre. The show was done to a story written by a local author, put into production using the talent of a local producer, local young actors, and the scores were written by local musicians.
But that does not mean it was not deep.
The plot and subplots dealt with grief, friendship, being true to oneself, taking off masks, and honesty.
A friend of Anna-Lee's had the lead in this musical, so having already driven to Lancaster, we agreed it would be great to carry on the next few hours to Charlottesville Virginia.
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Will = Wilhelmina (Mia Buckley - Anna-Lee's friend) and Whit = Hurricane Whitney |
Both of these productions have stayed with me as I think through their messages. Yay for script writers, and all the work that goes into producing, directing, song writing, singing and acting in theatres of all sizes.
These two experiences at two theatres, in two states, alongside new and wonderful friendships were definitely worth the 13 hour drive back home the next day!
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Never did that before! Part One
Three nights, four days, 2600 km.
An Amish farm, two theaters, five states, and a President's home!
Part One: A Paradigm Shift
I have viewed documentaries and read multiple books on the Amish way of life.
And yet...
When we had an opportunity in Bird-in-Hand Pennsylvania, to speak with the Amish and walk their farm, get a buggy ride, and hear first hand about their life, I had what I can only describe as a slight paradigm shift.
Being greeted by an Amish woman wearing a nose ring was my first indication all was not as I had read in the Beverly Lewis books!
Seeing a high tech automatic milking machine, cooling tanks, and learning the commercial milk truck pulls up to the farm just like any other farm around our home, to test and collect the Amish farmer's milk he sells, was number two.
Hearing and seeing the electric tools that were being used to build a new improved home thwoooping and buzzing and pounding was number three.
Yes, they work without the power grid connection. Yes, they drive horse and buggy. Yes, the kids use scooters to get to their one room schoolhouse just down the road. Yes, they only go to grade eight.
BUT... none of that was the focus of their life.
As I stood on the farm looking around, I felt the shift. Being Amish was not about the clothes they wear, or the food they eat, the occupation they choose, or the transportation they use.
So, what was it about?
I spent a few minutes with the nose ring lady and had a chance to ask her some questions.
"What does it mean to you to be Amish?" I asked.
It is to keep the children close to home. Close to family.
And so, the day began with some new understanding of the Christian Amish church. shifting my perspective from the Amish doing things the old way and resisting the new, to their focus being on God and how they choose to serve Him with all their heart, mind, soul and strength and keeping their family close to home and hearth.
An Amish farm, two theaters, five states, and a President's home!
Part One: A Paradigm Shift
I have viewed documentaries and read multiple books on the Amish way of life.
And yet...
When we had an opportunity in Bird-in-Hand Pennsylvania, to speak with the Amish and walk their farm, get a buggy ride, and hear first hand about their life, I had what I can only describe as a slight paradigm shift.
Being greeted by an Amish woman wearing a nose ring was my first indication all was not as I had read in the Beverly Lewis books!
Seeing a high tech automatic milking machine, cooling tanks, and learning the commercial milk truck pulls up to the farm just like any other farm around our home, to test and collect the Amish farmer's milk he sells, was number two.
Hearing and seeing the electric tools that were being used to build a new improved home thwoooping and buzzing and pounding was number three.
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John, showing us the milking machinery |
A barn of Holstein calves less than 3 months old - separated to make sure no diseases exist |
Plain and Fancy mingle continually |
The one room Amish Schoolhouse |
Sid and Danny - our buggy horses and the Amish farmyard. |
BUT... none of that was the focus of their life.
As I stood on the farm looking around, I felt the shift. Being Amish was not about the clothes they wear, or the food they eat, the occupation they choose, or the transportation they use.
So, what was it about?
I spent a few minutes with the nose ring lady and had a chance to ask her some questions.
"What does it mean to you to be Amish?" I asked.
- It's about being baptized in the Amish church
- It's about choosing to serve God by working hard
- She was quick to share that they believe they will see all Christians in heaven. They were not the exclusive way to God.
- She shared that her brother had chosen to marry and be baptized in the Mennonite church and they rejoiced with him and know they will see him in heaven. They got to be a part of his baptism in the Mennonite church.
- Not once did she say it had anything to do with no computers, no cars, or no fancy clothing.
- In fact, their businesses DO have computers and they have very well done websites. The computers however, stay out of the house.
It is to keep the children close to home. Close to family.
And so, the day began with some new understanding of the Christian Amish church. shifting my perspective from the Amish doing things the old way and resisting the new, to their focus being on God and how they choose to serve Him with all their heart, mind, soul and strength and keeping their family close to home and hearth.
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Doubt is like smoke
If you've ever been around a bonfire or other sources of fire, you understand that the smoke it creates disperses far and wide. Perhaps you've smelled burnt toast, or something left in the oven too long in an apartment a few doors away.
Perhaps you started a fire in the fireplace with the damper closed! Soon the smoke fills the house steadily and slowly moving up the stairs.
The smoke creeps under doors, through vents, keyholes or any number of tiny little crevices.
This smoke is like doubt entering a Christian's mind, heart or spirit.
Any crack in our faith, and doubt begins to seep through. It can be devastating if not caught and dealt with.
Satan knows this. In fact, Satan's first attack ever was to create doubt. "Did God really say... don't eat from that tree?"
He started to create doubt in what God had said.
Satan continued.
"Well, God didn't really mean You'd die, He just doesn't want you to be like Him..."
Step 2 was to create doubt in God's goodness and motives.
And finally the slam dunk...
Doesn't it look good? God must have lied to you. This will be beneficial to you. God was wrong.
Step 3 was the temptation for Eve to be her own god. It was too much. She dismissed God outright as a liar. Doubt did its job. She acted.
It's easy to look at Eve and think, "how could you have been deceived so easily and quickly? "
However, Satan is still using those same tactics today with just as much success.
So what could Eve have done differently?
How do we stand in the midst of such a smoke filled world of doubt-inducing propaganda against God coming our way?
I could answer that with lots of spiritual thoguths, but instead I will just ask one question
What would you do if someone was slandering and encouraging you to betray your best friend (whether that is your spouse, chid, parent or neighbour)?
Perhaps you started a fire in the fireplace with the damper closed! Soon the smoke fills the house steadily and slowly moving up the stairs.
The smoke creeps under doors, through vents, keyholes or any number of tiny little crevices.
This smoke is like doubt entering a Christian's mind, heart or spirit.
Any crack in our faith, and doubt begins to seep through. It can be devastating if not caught and dealt with.
Satan knows this. In fact, Satan's first attack ever was to create doubt. "Did God really say... don't eat from that tree?"
He started to create doubt in what God had said.
Satan continued.
"Well, God didn't really mean You'd die, He just doesn't want you to be like Him..."
Step 2 was to create doubt in God's goodness and motives.
And finally the slam dunk...
Doesn't it look good? God must have lied to you. This will be beneficial to you. God was wrong.
Step 3 was the temptation for Eve to be her own god. It was too much. She dismissed God outright as a liar. Doubt did its job. She acted.
It's easy to look at Eve and think, "how could you have been deceived so easily and quickly? "
However, Satan is still using those same tactics today with just as much success.
So what could Eve have done differently?
How do we stand in the midst of such a smoke filled world of doubt-inducing propaganda against God coming our way?
I could answer that with lots of spiritual thoguths, but instead I will just ask one question
What would you do if someone was slandering and encouraging you to betray your best friend (whether that is your spouse, chid, parent or neighbour)?
Monday, 18 September 2017
The -ing Phase
There is a Scripture that says we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2). I should have known by reading this verse that it is a continual ongoing work. Not a one time thing and boom the mind's "got it."
Lately, I have been convicted of the fact that I am not living God's Word. I know the Word OK. I believe it absolutely. But I am not quite up to snuff on applying it moment by moment.
Verses like "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding..." (Proverbs 3:5)
"He will have perfect peace who's mind is stayed upon the Lord." (Isaiah 26:3)
Applying these verses means constantly bringing the mind back to proper alignment with God's Word and not on whatever happens to flit across the mind or lands on your emotions.
It's hard work.
It takes self control.
It means getting rid of the old ways of living and thinking.
It's revealing to find out how much of my mind is still not in line with God's ways and His Word!
And... it's worth it!
So, I am in the "ing" phase. Not yet renewed, but in process of renewing.
Lately, I have been convicted of the fact that I am not living God's Word. I know the Word OK. I believe it absolutely. But I am not quite up to snuff on applying it moment by moment.
Verses like "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding..." (Proverbs 3:5)
"He will have perfect peace who's mind is stayed upon the Lord." (Isaiah 26:3)
Applying these verses means constantly bringing the mind back to proper alignment with God's Word and not on whatever happens to flit across the mind or lands on your emotions.
It's hard work.
It takes self control.
It means getting rid of the old ways of living and thinking.
It's revealing to find out how much of my mind is still not in line with God's ways and His Word!
And... it's worth it!
So, I am in the "ing" phase. Not yet renewed, but in process of renewing.
Monday, 11 September 2017
A Tune in my Brain
I have a tune in my brain that will not leave! I like the tune. It's one that my daughter plays on her clarinet, but it makes me so aware how careful we need to be with what we listen to. Even when we are not trying to remember something, it subconsciously enters our mind. And it isn't just music. It can be words, tones, mannerisms... How easy it is for me to pick up an accent, or an expression.
We just need to look at our kids to see ourselves. A tone of voice, a phrase, a facial expression, a sigh...
Remember when "mom" use to say "Be careful or your mouth will freeze in that position!" I think there is a lot of truth to that.
Every now and then I need to think about these things. To take stock of what is coming out of my mouth, and circulating in my mind. To assess what has had access into my mind, and to ask God to wash and cleanse anything that has seeped in by merely walking in this world we live in - before it can enter my heart.
Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
I am grateful for my daughter's lovely classical and jazz music and for the reminder it gives to examine myself every time I start whistling one of those tunes!
We just need to look at our kids to see ourselves. A tone of voice, a phrase, a facial expression, a sigh...
Remember when "mom" use to say "Be careful or your mouth will freeze in that position!" I think there is a lot of truth to that.
Every now and then I need to think about these things. To take stock of what is coming out of my mouth, and circulating in my mind. To assess what has had access into my mind, and to ask God to wash and cleanse anything that has seeped in by merely walking in this world we live in - before it can enter my heart.
Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
I am grateful for my daughter's lovely classical and jazz music and for the reminder it gives to examine myself every time I start whistling one of those tunes!
Monday, 4 September 2017
One of the Best Days of the Year!
I have always loved this time of year.
Not because it's autumn.
Not because there are fairs.
Not because the mosquitoes are finally gone.
I have always loved this time of year because of...
the newness!
New grade.
New books.
New teachers.
New rooms assigned, new desk, new locker, new subjects, new learning and sometimes even a new school! But, primarily, it's a new slate. A clean start.
Although things look a little different in a homeschool setting, the promise of newness is still there.
There will be new books, a new backpack, new expectations, a new level of learning, and due to a co-op this year there will be a few new teachers and subjects for one day a week.
As a teacher, I get to teach new literature, new math (not "the" new math, but a new area of math in Algebra 1), new areas of Biblical History and new areas of science (geology from a creationist point of view)!
Sunday School is starting up, and there will be some new students and new methods of teaching to meet the needs of the students this year!
My husband even starts a new course this week!
So, as the trees start dropping their leaves, as the flowers start to wither and die, the promise of newness remains.
All in all, a great day!
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
Not because it's autumn.
Not because there are fairs.
Not because the mosquitoes are finally gone.
I have always loved this time of year because of...
the newness!
New grade.
New books.
New teachers.
New rooms assigned, new desk, new locker, new subjects, new learning and sometimes even a new school! But, primarily, it's a new slate. A clean start.
Although things look a little different in a homeschool setting, the promise of newness is still there.
There will be new books, a new backpack, new expectations, a new level of learning, and due to a co-op this year there will be a few new teachers and subjects for one day a week.
As a teacher, I get to teach new literature, new math (not "the" new math, but a new area of math in Algebra 1), new areas of Biblical History and new areas of science (geology from a creationist point of view)!
Sunday School is starting up, and there will be some new students and new methods of teaching to meet the needs of the students this year!
My husband even starts a new course this week!
So, as the trees start dropping their leaves, as the flowers start to wither and die, the promise of newness remains.
All in all, a great day!
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
Sunday, 27 August 2017
Creation SuperConference - Finale
(Dr. Sarfati)
Instead, I will end with this post to whet your appetite for attending one yourself!
Looking back...
- Incredible evidence of dinosaurs living with people found worldwide in art... drawings, textiles, pottery, furniture, fireplaces, tombs.... (Vance Nelson)
- Down - Not Up: Evolution predicts DNA, chromosomes, the genome, and all life, is improving over time whereas the Bible says life is degenerating to death and extinction. Which is scientifically, observably true? (Dr. John Sanford geneticist)
- The Chess Match
Dr. Jonathan Sarfati - Chess Master and PhD in Chemistry vs Dave et al
Dr. Sarfati playing over 40 people at once. Taking 5 - 30 seconds per move. One person reached a stalemate with him, all the rest were beaten. All ages tried!
- The Beach - Still and quiet, packed and rambunctious, and even the dog got a go at the lake!
Anna-Lee and Cyrus
More Sessions
- Genesis in the Chinese written language.
forbidden = the characters for "two trees" and "God" (just like the Garden of Eden
boat = the character for "vessel", "eight" and "people" just like Noah and his 7 other
family members on the Ark
- Some of the sessions were harder than others to undertand. Nuclear Physics and the Age of the Earth - Radiometric Dating with Dr. Mason, was one of the tougher ones! This part, however was very understandable: The Evolutionist Creed with regards to reporting results of Carbon 14 test data.
More Activities
Disc Golf |
The Dining Room - A very important part of the week! |
I hope you have enjoyed this four part summary of our time at the Creation SuperConference.
Please comment if you have any questions you'd like to ask about our experience or the sessions or any resources!
Friday, 25 August 2017
Creation SuperConference Part 3 - The Designed - The Designer
Beauty in nature confounds evolutionists.
They cannot explain it.
They cannot explain it.
(Stuart Burgess Design Engineer The UK)
Stuart Burgess is one of those rare practical PhD people. He is the design engineer for the solar array for the largest satellite in the world for the European Space Agency. He developed a military surveillance drone. He also designed the most efficient racing bike in the world for the Rio Olympics British team. They won six gold medals. And he has developed a friction efficient prosthetic knee.
The commonality among all these projects is that he studied God's creation in order to come up with the design ideas that were so incredibly successful - a dragonfly, a fish jaw, the human blood stream...
Think about it. Try designing something as simple and yet complex as a banana peel. Wouldn't the food industry love it! A container that changes colour as the expirty date approaches AND one that is so easy to open and yet keeps the contents completely fresh and protected.
Thinking about creation from a designer's point of view is incredibly revealing. This spectacular design of course points directly to the fact that there is a Designer. We are dealing with a very wise God.
And yet, this Designer goes beyond mere function.
It is the beauty He has added to His creation that defies the entire philosophy of evolution.
Beauty like the peacock tail, that has magnificent colour, not because of pigment but from optics.
Beauty that takes pains in the detail to prevent the stem of the feather from interfering with the eye on the tail feather.
Beauty that the peahen cannot even see.
Beauty like the songbird song
Songs that have melody, rhythm and musical structure.
Songs that finish with a major third or fifth
Songs that have musical anticipation.
Songs that have variety like the nightingale which has over 300 songs in its repertoire. Studies show you can listen to 70 songs before you hear a repeat.
Songs that music students confuse with compositions by J.S. Bach...
Beauty - a Hallmark of Design.
For more information on Design, see "Hallmark of Design: Evidence of purposeful design and beauty in nature" by Stuart Burgess.
Think about it. Try designing something as simple and yet complex as a banana peel. Wouldn't the food industry love it! A container that changes colour as the expirty date approaches AND one that is so easy to open and yet keeps the contents completely fresh and protected.
Thinking about creation from a designer's point of view is incredibly revealing. This spectacular design of course points directly to the fact that there is a Designer. We are dealing with a very wise God.
And yet, this Designer goes beyond mere function.
It is the beauty He has added to His creation that defies the entire philosophy of evolution.
Beauty like the peacock tail, that has magnificent colour, not because of pigment but from optics.
Beauty that takes pains in the detail to prevent the stem of the feather from interfering with the eye on the tail feather.
Beauty that the peahen cannot even see.
Beauty like the songbird song
Songs that have melody, rhythm and musical structure.
Songs that finish with a major third or fifth
Songs that have musical anticipation.
Songs that have variety like the nightingale which has over 300 songs in its repertoire. Studies show you can listen to 70 songs before you hear a repeat.
Songs that music students confuse with compositions by J.S. Bach...
Beauty - a Hallmark of Design.
For more information on Design, see "Hallmark of Design: Evidence of purposeful design and beauty in nature" by Stuart Burgess.
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
Creation SuperConference Part 2 - The Trick
It's important to ask the right question.
(Dr. Carl Werner - researcher)
If all animals were created within a couple days of one another, and thus dinosaurs lived side by side hedgehogs and bats and owls (Genesis chapter 1), and if all these animals died in the Great Global Flood together (Genesis chapter 6-9), should we not expect to see fossils of all these animals buried together in the same rock layers?
Dr. Werner, who traveled 200,000 miles in his research, asked various paleontologist at dig sites around the world this question: "Have you found modern animal fossils in the same rock layers as dinosaurs?
Curiously the answer was "No."
Hmm. Well that doesn't bode well for creation and the flood does it? So what is going on?
He wrestled with this problem for a while until he thought "maybe I am not asking the right question."
If you were talking to an atheistic evolutionary minded paleontologist you must understand they would never go into a dig with their mind open to finding a modern animal fossil with the dinosaurs.
Thus the new question became: "Have you found modern-like animal fossils in the same rock layers as dinosaurs?
The new answer was "Yes." Millions. Parrots, penguins, owls, flamingos, crocodiles, lizards, hedgehogs, rabbits, cormorants, turtles, dragonflies, porcupines, squirrels, pigs...! They have been finding mammal fossils with baby dinosaurs in their stomachs!
Also many modern plants, trees and flowers are found in the same layers as the dinosaurs such as redwoods, cones, willows, ferns, and figs.
We are not told, but there are modern day plant and animal fossils in EVERY layer of earth!
Question 2: "Are there any differences between these modern-like plant and animal fossils and the plants and animals today?
The Answer: "No."
Question 2: "Are there any differences between these modern-like plant and animal fossils and the plants and animals today?
The Answer: "No."
Why won't you see this in a museum or a science journal, or a school text book?
Because it goes against evolution and they are so very religiously attached to this story that they hide the truth!
These scientists have a sneaky trick so that you and me and my kids and your kids and even the church, will believe this false religion.
These scientists rename the genus and species on the fossils so you think these fossils represent different animals than animals of today in order to create the illusion of evolution! The only difference is the name. But of course a rose by any other name is still a rose!
Imagine a museum diorama of a dinosaur along with modern day ducks, mice, squirrels, and trees! What a different conclusion we would come to!
Monday, 21 August 2017
Creation SuperConference Part 1 - The Importance
If you don't stand for something,
you will fall for anything.
Henry DeRoos (Evangelist)
Twenty-seven hours of sessions in six days. That's a lot of blog post! I wish you could have all been there but I will try to share in a reasonably readable way.
Youth and Young Adults are Leaving the Church
Many years of studies have shown this trend. Barna surveys show 60% loss and PAOC shows 90% loss.
What is new, are the studies explaining why they are leaving.
Surveys and studies show that the teaching of evolution has had a major impact on middle school, high school and university students losing trust in the Word of God and thus in God Himself.
The evangelist we heard (Henry DeRoos) shared that the evolution/creation issue is at least 1/3 of all questions posed on the streets from people of all ages and ethnicity.
Although discredited by scientists as a possibility, evolution is still taught as fact in schools and adhered to religiously in research, by professors, and natural history museums.
Scientists from all areas: chemisty, astronomy, geology, paleontolgy, biology, genetics and physics, agree there is no evidence for evolution. When interviewed and put on the spot to show any scientific evidence they say things like there is no evidence or they are only speculating. (Dr. Carl Werner who has done 20 years of extensive research, interviewing over 60 prominent scientists worldwide and museum curators worldwide)
These atheistic evolutionary scientists agree there is
Youth and Young Adults are Leaving the Church
Many years of studies have shown this trend. Barna surveys show 60% loss and PAOC shows 90% loss.
What is new, are the studies explaining why they are leaving.
Surveys and studies show that the teaching of evolution has had a major impact on middle school, high school and university students losing trust in the Word of God and thus in God Himself.
The evangelist we heard (Henry DeRoos) shared that the evolution/creation issue is at least 1/3 of all questions posed on the streets from people of all ages and ethnicity.
Although discredited by scientists as a possibility, evolution is still taught as fact in schools and adhered to religiously in research, by professors, and natural history museums.
Scientists from all areas: chemisty, astronomy, geology, paleontolgy, biology, genetics and physics, agree there is no evidence for evolution. When interviewed and put on the spot to show any scientific evidence they say things like there is no evidence or they are only speculating. (Dr. Carl Werner who has done 20 years of extensive research, interviewing over 60 prominent scientists worldwide and museum curators worldwide)
These atheistic evolutionary scientists agree there is
- no way the universe could have started from nothing - big bang makes no sense.
- no way life could have started from mere chemicals - where did all the information in DNA come from?
- no fossils linking one species to another in the evolutionary "molecules to man" process.
- The imaginary artistic drawings of ape to man still exist in text books today (as if all it would take for ape to become man would be a bit of hair loss and to stand up straight!)
- The imaginary artistic drawings of embryos and how all embryos look alike no matter the species are still published in text books even though it was a complete lie and forgery (embryos of different animals look very different!)
- The imaginary artistic drawings of a chain of evolution from one species to another such as dinosaur to bird, or the walking whale are only that - imaginary drawings! There has been no fossil found and there have been over ONE BILLION fossils found now!
- The imaginary artistic renditions of whale evolution. Researches presupposed this to be so, thus they drew on flukes, and fins, blowholes and special ear bones that WERE NOT THERE! Museums to this day still show the artistically enhanced fossil and proclaim whale evolution.
Evolution is indeed a religion that is hung onto with passion.
Next post will be some of the amazing science that points to Genesis as true history.
Next post will be some of the amazing science that points to Genesis as true history.
Friday, 4 August 2017
A History Left Untold
If you were to create a Mosaic of Canadian History and Influence, what would you include? What would you leave out?
I find it fascinating to observe not just the creative artistry of Mosaic Canada (see my last blog post), but also the overall scene which by the mere fact of what is included and excluded, gives some insight into Canada's worldview today.
Personally, off the cuff, for me, Canada =
Mosaic Canada reflected most of these and more.
It also reflected a spirituality of Canada's past and present as seen in
This spiritual truth of Canadian history is also missing in our public school system, text books, and museums. The fact that our Parliament building has multitudinous Scripture references engraved in stone and Christian symbols prominently displayed is not discussed. This part of our Canadian History is being erased.
And, Mosaic Canada confirmed it.
I find it fascinating to observe not just the creative artistry of Mosaic Canada (see my last blog post), but also the overall scene which by the mere fact of what is included and excluded, gives some insight into Canada's worldview today.
Personally, off the cuff, for me, Canada =
- Remembrance Day ✔
- First Nations - Inuit art, totem poles... ✔
- Mining ✔
- Railroad ✔
- Forests and Lumber industry ✔
- Fresh Water ✔
- Our flag ✔
- RCMP ✔
- Immigration (past and ongoing, refugees, worldwide)
- French/English immigration and tensions
- Inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell (telephone etc.) and Banting and Best (insulin)
Mosaic Canada reflected most of these and more.
It also reflected a spirituality of Canada's past and present as seen in
- Multiple First Nations topiaries - "Mother Earth, the Legend of Aataentsic," "Wisakedjak and the Creation of the Earth," and "Born with the Sun." just to name a few.
- Chinese spirituality in the "Blessing of the Good Omen Dragon," and "Joyful Celebration of the Nine Lions."
This spiritual truth of Canadian history is also missing in our public school system, text books, and museums. The fact that our Parliament building has multitudinous Scripture references engraved in stone and Christian symbols prominently displayed is not discussed. This part of our Canadian History is being erased.
And, Mosaic Canada confirmed it.
"Three Ships from France" was the closest to remembering our Christian heritage. Add the cross yourself... The topiary you see in the background is the inuksuk. |
Monday, 31 July 2017
Man's Creativity Celebrated
You don't have to look far to catch examples of man's creativity and ingenuity. It is all around us every day both inside and outside. Architecture, bridges, lights, phones, cars, lawn tractors, medicine, art, fashion, photography...
...and mechanical dragons...
... and topiaries...
It was a beautiful weekend so our family decided to head downtown and catch "La Machine" and "Mosaic Canada." These are two events planned to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday.
"La Machine," a huge robotic dragon-horse and spider were wandering the downtown streets of Ottawa in it's North American debut. About 4 stories tall, taking multiple humans to control their movement, sound, and "smoke," La Machine drew 750,000 people in it's four-day showing.
Our family contributed four of those people! Seeing the 12 metre tall dragon spew "smoke" from it's nostrils, and wander to the sound of drums and groans through the Byward Market was quite impressive.There was a story/theatre performance associated with it, which we chose not to attend.
Then we headed over to Jacques-Cartier Park across the Alexandria Bridge to Quebec to see Mosaic Canada - over 40 topiaries representing Canada from coast to coast over the last 150 years..
Some of these were as tall as La Machine!
Again, we were very impressed by the design, beauty and artistry of this horticultural show.
Man's inventions. Man's creativity. Hours, days, months, Millions of dollars.and multiple people involved.
Hundreds of thousands of people coming to witness these amazing feats of creativity. Applause. Recognition.
And then there is God.
Six days. One God. The whole universe.
Absolute perfection. Absolute beauty. Microscopic to massive, complex, mystery. He spoke, it was.
As fun as it is to witness man's brilliance in creativity, I will praise God, We are created in His image - for creativity, for ingenuity, for artistry, for His glory. No comparison.
...and mechanical dragons...
... and topiaries...
It was a beautiful weekend so our family decided to head downtown and catch "La Machine" and "Mosaic Canada." These are two events planned to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday.
"La Machine," a huge robotic dragon-horse and spider were wandering the downtown streets of Ottawa in it's North American debut. About 4 stories tall, taking multiple humans to control their movement, sound, and "smoke," La Machine drew 750,000 people in it's four-day showing.
Our family contributed four of those people! Seeing the 12 metre tall dragon spew "smoke" from it's nostrils, and wander to the sound of drums and groans through the Byward Market was quite impressive.There was a story/theatre performance associated with it, which we chose not to attend.
Then we headed over to Jacques-Cartier Park across the Alexandria Bridge to Quebec to see Mosaic Canada - over 40 topiaries representing Canada from coast to coast over the last 150 years..
Some of these were as tall as La Machine!
Again, we were very impressed by the design, beauty and artistry of this horticultural show.
panning for gold |
A Tribute to Glenn Gould |
Anne with an "e" of Green Gables |
inuksuk with wolf |
Man's inventions. Man's creativity. Hours, days, months, Millions of dollars.and multiple people involved.
Hundreds of thousands of people coming to witness these amazing feats of creativity. Applause. Recognition.
And then there is God.
Six days. One God. The whole universe.
Absolute perfection. Absolute beauty. Microscopic to massive, complex, mystery. He spoke, it was.
As fun as it is to witness man's brilliance in creativity, I will praise God, We are created in His image - for creativity, for ingenuity, for artistry, for His glory. No comparison.
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