Monday, 21 August 2017

Creation SuperConference Part 1 - The Importance

If you don't stand for something,
you will fall for anything.
Henry DeRoos (Evangelist)
Twenty-seven  hours of sessions in six days. That's a lot of blog post! I wish you could have all been there but I will try to share in a reasonably readable way.

Youth and Young Adults are Leaving the Church
Many years of studies have shown this trend. Barna surveys show 60% loss and  PAOC shows 90% loss. 
What is new, are the studies explaining why they are leaving. 
Surveys and studies show that the teaching of evolution has had a major impact on middle school, high school and university students losing trust in the Word of God and thus in God Himself.
The evangelist we heard (Henry DeRoos) shared that the evolution/creation issue is at least 1/3 of all questions posed on the streets from people of all ages and ethnicity.

Although discredited by scientists as a possibility, evolution is still taught as fact in schools and adhered to religiously in research, by professors, and natural history museums.
Scientists from all areas: chemisty, astronomy, geology, paleontolgy, biology, genetics and physics, agree there is no evidence for evolution. When interviewed and put on the spot to show any scientific evidence they say things like there is no evidence or they are only speculating. (Dr. Carl Werner who has done 20 years of extensive research, interviewing over 60 prominent scientists worldwide and museum curators worldwide)

These atheistic evolutionary scientists agree there is 
  • no way the universe could have started from nothing - big bang makes no sense.
  • no way life could have started from mere chemicals - where did all the information in DNA come from?
  • no fossils linking one species to another in the evolutionary "molecules to man" process.
And yet...
  • The imaginary artistic drawings of ape to man still exist in text books today (as if all it would take for ape to become man would be a bit of hair loss and to stand up straight!)
  • The imaginary artistic drawings of embryos and how all embryos look alike no matter the species are still published in text books even though it was a complete lie and forgery (embryos of different animals look very different!)
  • Ernst Haeckel created fraudulent drawings of embryos to increase the resemblance between them and to hide their dissimilarities (top row), in order to use the idea of embryonic recapitulation to promote Darwin’s theory of evolution. The photographs in the bottom row are of actual embryos. Amazingly, Haeckel’s drawings are still used today.

  • The imaginary artistic drawings of a chain of evolution from one species to another such as dinosaur to bird, or the walking whale are only that - imaginary drawings! There has been no fossil found and there have been over ONE BILLION fossils found now!
  • The imaginary artistic renditions of whale evolution. Researches presupposed this to be so, thus they drew on flukes, and fins, blowholes and special ear bones that WERE NOT THERE! Museums to this day still show the artistically enhanced fossil and proclaim whale evolution.
Evolution is indeed a religion that is hung onto with passion.

Next post will be some of the amazing science that points to Genesis as true history.

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