Sunday, 27 August 2017

Creation SuperConference - Finale

(Dr. Sarfati)

I am sure I could have at least 27 parts to these SuperConference posts - one for each session plus activities!
Instead, I will end with this post to whet your appetite for attending one yourself!

Looking back...

  • Incredible evidence of dinosaurs living with people found worldwide in art...  drawings, textiles, pottery, furniture, fireplaces, tombs.... (Vance Nelson)
  • Down - Not Up: Evolution predicts DNA, chromosomes, the genome, and all life, is improving over time whereas the Bible says life is degenerating to death and extinction. Which is scientifically, observably true? (Dr. John Sanford geneticist)

    Mutations mean information is taken out, resulting in the cell becoming worse off. Never does it mean new information is being added and a cell becoming better. This degeneration began with sin and the fall as stated in Genesis chapter 3 and even shown by the degeneration of ages of humans in Genesis until now.
  • The Chess Match
    Dr. Jonathan Sarfati - Chess Master and PhD in Chemistry vs Dave et al

    Dr. Sarfati playing over 40 people at once. Taking  5 - 30 seconds per move. One person reached a stalemate with him, all  the rest were beaten. All ages tried!
  • The Beach - Still and quiet, packed and rambunctious, and even the dog got a go at the lake!
    Anna-Lee and Cyrus

More Sessions
  • Genesis in the Chinese written language.
    forbidden = the characters for "two trees" and "God" (just like the Garden of Eden

    boat = the character for "vessel", "eight" and "people" just like Noah and his 7 other 
    family members on the Ark

  • Some of the sessions were harder than others to undertand. Nuclear Physics and the Age of the Earth - Radiometric Dating with Dr. Mason, was one of the tougher ones! This part, however was very understandable: The Evolutionist Creed with regards to reporting results of Carbon 14 test data.
    In all radiometric dating - calibration is completely unreliable - out by millions of years. Imagine stepping on a scale one day and you weigh 200 pounds, the next day 70,000 and the next 2 pounds! You'd probably throw the scale out as being completly unreliable. Same with radiometric dating.

More Activities
Disc Golf

The Dining Room - A very important part of the week!

I hope you have enjoyed this four part summary of our time at the Creation SuperConference.
Please comment if you have any questions you'd like to ask about our experience or the sessions or any resources!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a fabulous time with excellent teaching.
