Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Doubt is like smoke

If you've ever been around a bonfire or other sources of fire, you understand that the smoke it creates disperses far and wide. Perhaps you've smelled burnt toast, or something left in the oven too long in an apartment a few doors away.
Perhaps you started a fire in the fireplace with the damper closed! Soon the smoke fills the house steadily and slowly moving up the stairs.
The smoke creeps under doors, through vents, keyholes or any number of tiny little crevices.

This smoke is like doubt entering a Christian's mind, heart or spirit. 
Any crack in our faith, and doubt begins to seep through. It can be devastating if not caught and dealt with.

Satan knows this. In fact, Satan's first attack ever was to create doubt. "Did God really say... don't eat from that tree?"
He started to create doubt in what God had said.

Satan continued.
"Well, God didn't really mean You'd die, He just doesn't want you to be like Him..." 
Step 2 was to create doubt in God's goodness and motives.

And finally the slam dunk...
Doesn't it look good? God must have lied to you. This will be beneficial to you. God was wrong.
 Step 3 was  the temptation for Eve to be her own god. It was too much. She dismissed God outright as a liar. Doubt did its job. She acted.

It's easy to look at Eve and think, "how could you have been deceived so easily and quickly? "

However, Satan is still using those same tactics today with just as much  success.

So what could Eve have done differently?
How do we stand in the midst of such a smoke filled world of doubt-inducing propaganda against God coming our way? 

I could answer that with lots of spiritual thoguths, but instead I will just ask one question
What would you do if someone was slandering and encouraging you to betray your best friend (whether that is your spouse, chid, parent or neighbour)?

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