Monday, 31 July 2017

Man's Creativity Celebrated

You don't have to look far to catch examples of man's creativity and ingenuity. It is all around us every day both inside and outside. Architecture, bridges, lights, phones, cars, lawn tractors, medicine, art, fashion, photography...
...and mechanical dragons...
... and topiaries...

It was  a beautiful weekend so our family decided to head downtown and catch "La Machine" and "Mosaic Canada." These are two events planned to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday.
"La Machine," a huge robotic dragon-horse and spider were wandering the downtown streets of Ottawa in it's North American debut. About 4 stories tall, taking multiple humans to control their movement, sound, and "smoke," La Machine drew 750,000 people in it's four-day showing. 

Our family contributed four of those people! Seeing the 12 metre tall dragon spew "smoke" from it's nostrils, and wander to the sound of drums and groans through the Byward Market was quite impressive.There was a story/theatre performance associated with it, which we chose not to attend.

Then we headed over to Jacques-Cartier Park across the Alexandria Bridge to Quebec to see Mosaic Canada - over 40 topiaries representing Canada from coast to coast over the last 150 years..
Some of these were as tall as La Machine!

Again, we were very impressed by the design, beauty and artistry of this horticultural show.

panning for gold

A Tribute to Glenn Gould

Anne with an "e" of Green Gables

inuksuk with wolf

Man's inventions. Man's creativity. Hours, days, months, Millions of dollars.and multiple people involved.
Hundreds of thousands of people coming to witness these amazing feats of creativity. Applause. Recognition.

And then there is God. 
Six days. One God. The whole universe. 
Absolute perfection. Absolute beauty. Microscopic to massive, complex, mystery. He spoke, it was.

As fun as it is to witness man's brilliance in creativity, I will praise God, We are created in His image - for creativity, for ingenuity, for artistry, for His glory. No comparison.

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