Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Political Incorrectness - the Positive Side

"Merry Christmas" - the political hot button of December.

This however could be positive. 
Because wishing someone Merry Christmas rather than "Happy Holidays" is now politically incorrect due to it being Christian and thus not inclusive, I see it as having so much more power in it's usage than in years past.

Merry Christmas a decade ago was the norm.  Even for non-Christians, or those that had no clue what the season was really about, it was an accepted and even looked forward to time of year. 
It seemed most people associated it with Santa, reindeer, gifts, food, family, travel,or just time off school or work- but it was our culture to celebrate it.

Now, because of Christmas' political incorrectness  it has been granted it's rightful place as a truly Christian celebration.
Now when someone wishes me Happy Holiday and I respond with Merry Christmas, it has a punch it had previously been missing.  Now Merry Christmas means "Hallelujah, Jesus was born!" Said with hope, truth and love, it can offer so much more than when it was an acceptable part of our culture. 

Yay for political incorrectness!

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