Friday, 28 July 2017

The Ignorant Evolutionist (me)

When I was an evolutionist a few decades ago, I thought the philosophy was limited to origins and death. I was duped into thinking there were no other consequences of this worldview.
How wrong I was.

If evolution, then..
  • No right or wrong - Who sets the standards? Who are you accountable to? Who says...? Where does morality come from? Inconsistent evolutionists unknowingly borrow from Scripture all the time to figure out what is right and what is wrong. There is no golden rule for the true evolutionist.
  • Caring about the weak and infirm would be dumb. Hey, it's survival of the fittest; get rid of the weak. The genetic code will eventually do its work and abolish all weakness. Why on earth would their be evolutionists in any kind of nurturing medical field like I was?
  • Crime has purpose - if we have evolved this long and there is still crime - even increasing - there must be a benefit to it or it would be evolved out! If it didn't help the species to grow bigger and better, it would have died out.
  • No purpose for life. A true evolutionist would realize we are all just matter and energy and random chance. Without a Designer, there is no purpose to life.
  • No freedom of choice. You're just chemicals and genetic code mechanically moving along the path of evolution. You have no say in anything.
Wow! I had no idea the implications I was declaring when I chose to believe in evolution. If someone had presented these ideas to me back then, I would have said they were wrong. I did believe in right and wrong for example. But, according to Nancy Pearcey in her book "Total Truth," that would have been a leap of faith. A leap into a totally different worldview inconsistent with evolution.

My eyes now see it clearly.

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