Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Disciplship Post Atheism

Looking back I can distinctly recall a few areas of discipleship topics that were emphasized in this new journey of Christianity that truly helped me stand the test of time.
  • Things won't always be hunky-dory. The first few days after salvation, I was very excited about my relationship with God and I  figured my relationship with God would always be powerful, tangible and alive. It was wise discipleship to warn me that a relationship is not based on feelings. It is real, but not always felt.
  • Prayers don't always get answered the way you want. God is not a genie. Expectations are a killer. If we expect God to answer our prayers exactly as we have stated them every time in our own timing, we will be disappointed and Satan will enjoy the process of stealing, killing and destroying our faith. It was wise to warn me that God is God, all wise, and all knowing; not a genie for our use. It was wise to be warned that there would remain trials, tribulations, suffering and sorrows while we yet live in this world.
  • Don't believe every teaching! Test what is being taught with Scripture! I was told to read the Word and check every teaching with the Word. I was so cautious as to whom I would listen to in those early days until I became more solid on my Scriptural knowledge and could discern more accurately. For example, I was exposed to a teaching called theistic evolution - God started it, evolution carried it on. Thankfully, I was counseled  that God is so powerful and so wise, He could have created everything in one nanosecond of thought, so I needn't be troubled believing He created in 6 days like the Word says. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing that teach things that are against Scripture. Who would have known that the theistic evolution being bantered around by a few odd Christians back 33 years ago in university would avalanche to a huge movement of anti-biblical teaching infesting the church today.
Riding high on my new found faith and spiritual gifts, and even experiencing an answer to prayer a time or two in those early days, I thought at first it was a bit of a downer hearing life wouldn't always be fun and filled with powerful moments and that I couldn't trust every Christian teacher! I am glad however that before the road got rough, I had been counseled in truth. Decades later, I see the firm foundation that was begun by this early and impactful discipleship.

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