Wednesday, 10 May 2017


A friend recommended a book to me the other day. It is called "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain (2012).
It was extremely interesting to take the 20 question quiz  at the front of the book and see some of the surprising criteria used to identify an introvert. 
For example:
  • wanting to dive into something without interruption
  • preferring to express oneself in writing
  • not wanting to show ones work until its all done
  • best work is done on our own
There are some very interesting sounding chapter titles such as "When collaboration kills creativity", "The myth of Charismatic Leadership," and "When should you act more extroverted than you really are?"

I will enjoy the read and likely do it with my youngest daughter so we can discuss what we are learning.I'll report back what we find...

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