Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Canadians in "Action"

I've always been told Canadians are polite, but I have to admit I've never noticed. Yesterday, I believe I got a sense of what this looks like.
We were at the hospital for a test for my oldest daughter. (Lovely compassionate medical team by the way). Hours later, we walked to our van in the underground parking area. Hubby paid, and we were all ready and eager to go home.
As we drove toward the exit arm of the garage, we noticed quite a few cars in line. No arm going up, no movement of vehicles in either line. Everyone waiting - politely. No honking. No anger. Just waiting. Politely. 
Minutes ticked by. No one moving.
As you were suppose to pay before getting to the "arm" there was no employee physically at the exit.  But everyone was just waiting! Politely!

So, my hubby, who is also Canadian and did not honk his horn, got out of the van, walked to the office, and told someone.  They came and raised the arm manually letting everyone out. 
As we exited, we realized the whole system was down, and cars were also  lined up on the street waiting to get in! Politely.  

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