Wednesday, 3 May 2017

From the Inside

I tend to whistle a lot. You know, whistle while you work!
Today, someone asked me, "Do you think you can whistle if you are not happy, or is it just something you can do if you are happy?"

I thought for a  moment, and realized it really was a question that I had been reflecting on in a subtly different way a few days ago.

A few days ago, someone who had a rough day was chatting with me. I felt they needed to worship, but I made the clarification - "Turn off the worship music in your car." Don't let someone else worship for you. Don't let the worship come from the outside.
Force yourself to make it come from the inside.

Start to sing. Start to declare God's Names. Maybe count your blessings. Whatever it looks like, it needs to come from you, not passively listening to someone else.

We've gotten to be a culture that craves entertainment. Turn the TV on, the youtubes Pinetrest, and videos, the radio, and CD's. Even the pastor and worship band at church can end up doing our work for us. How many congregants really contemplate the lyrics to the songs we sing. How many meditate and ponder the concepts and Scriptures like the Bereans of Acts chapter 17?

No one that has ever prepared a lecture, a Sunday School class, or a sermon can say that any listener learns as much as they did in the process of preparation. It is the same with worship. There is a depth of worship incomparable to the one who wrote the song, and brings it forth from the inside out.

Just in case you think I am saying we don't need pastors and worship leaders and teachers... that is not at all my point. I merely reflect that through research, studying Scriptures, and forcing ourselves to think, we gain more than sitting hearing about what others have accomplished from their work.
By forcing ourselves to engage our hearts and minds and  initiate worship and gratitude, we are changed from the inside.

So, my answer to the lady today who asked the question about whistling? 
Yes, you can whistle when you are down. It takes a conscious effort to start it, but then let it flow. You will be changed from the inside out.

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