Sunday, 27 August 2017

Creation SuperConference - Finale

(Dr. Sarfati)

I am sure I could have at least 27 parts to these SuperConference posts - one for each session plus activities!
Instead, I will end with this post to whet your appetite for attending one yourself!

Looking back...

  • Incredible evidence of dinosaurs living with people found worldwide in art...  drawings, textiles, pottery, furniture, fireplaces, tombs.... (Vance Nelson)
  • Down - Not Up: Evolution predicts DNA, chromosomes, the genome, and all life, is improving over time whereas the Bible says life is degenerating to death and extinction. Which is scientifically, observably true? (Dr. John Sanford geneticist)

    Mutations mean information is taken out, resulting in the cell becoming worse off. Never does it mean new information is being added and a cell becoming better. This degeneration began with sin and the fall as stated in Genesis chapter 3 and even shown by the degeneration of ages of humans in Genesis until now.
  • The Chess Match
    Dr. Jonathan Sarfati - Chess Master and PhD in Chemistry vs Dave et al

    Dr. Sarfati playing over 40 people at once. Taking  5 - 30 seconds per move. One person reached a stalemate with him, all  the rest were beaten. All ages tried!
  • The Beach - Still and quiet, packed and rambunctious, and even the dog got a go at the lake!
    Anna-Lee and Cyrus

More Sessions
  • Genesis in the Chinese written language.
    forbidden = the characters for "two trees" and "God" (just like the Garden of Eden

    boat = the character for "vessel", "eight" and "people" just like Noah and his 7 other 
    family members on the Ark

  • Some of the sessions were harder than others to undertand. Nuclear Physics and the Age of the Earth - Radiometric Dating with Dr. Mason, was one of the tougher ones! This part, however was very understandable: The Evolutionist Creed with regards to reporting results of Carbon 14 test data.
    In all radiometric dating - calibration is completely unreliable - out by millions of years. Imagine stepping on a scale one day and you weigh 200 pounds, the next day 70,000 and the next 2 pounds! You'd probably throw the scale out as being completly unreliable. Same with radiometric dating.

More Activities
Disc Golf

The Dining Room - A very important part of the week!

I hope you have enjoyed this four part summary of our time at the Creation SuperConference.
Please comment if you have any questions you'd like to ask about our experience or the sessions or any resources!

Friday, 25 August 2017

Creation SuperConference Part 3 - The Designed - The Designer

Beauty in nature confounds evolutionists. 
They cannot explain it.
(Stuart Burgess Design Engineer The UK) 
Stuart Burgess is one of those rare practical PhD people. He is the design engineer for the solar array for the largest satellite in the world for the European Space Agency. He developed a military surveillance drone. He also designed the most efficient racing bike in the world for the Rio Olympics British team. They won six gold medals. And he has developed a friction efficient prosthetic knee.

The commonality among all these projects is that he studied God's creation in order to come up with the design ideas that were so incredibly successful - a dragonfly, a fish jaw, the human blood stream...

Think about it. Try designing something as simple and yet complex as a banana peel. Wouldn't the food industry love it! A container that changes colour as the expirty date approaches AND one that is so easy to open and yet keeps the contents completely fresh and protected. 

Thinking about creation from a designer's point of view is incredibly revealing. This spectacular design of course points directly to the fact that there is a  Designer. We are dealing with a very wise God.

And yet, this Designer goes beyond mere function.
It is the beauty He has added to His creation that defies the entire philosophy of evolution.

Beauty like the peacock tail, that has magnificent colour, not because of pigment but from optics.
Beauty that takes pains in the detail to prevent the stem of the feather from interfering with the eye on the tail feather.
Beauty that the peahen cannot even see. 

Beauty like the songbird song
Songs that have melody, rhythm and musical structure.
Songs that finish with a major third or fifth
Songs that have musical anticipation.
Songs that have variety like the nightingale which has over 300 songs in its repertoire. Studies show you can listen to 70 songs before you hear a repeat. 
Songs that music students confuse with compositions by J.S. Bach...

Beauty - a Hallmark of Design.

For more information on Design, see "Hallmark of Design: Evidence of purposeful design and beauty in nature" by Stuart Burgess.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Creation SuperConference Part 2 - The Trick

It's important to ask the right question. 
(Dr. Carl Werner - researcher)
 If  all animals were created within a couple days of one another, and thus dinosaurs lived side by side hedgehogs and bats and owls (Genesis chapter 1), and if all these animals died in the Great Global Flood together (Genesis chapter 6-9), should we not expect to see fossils of all these animals buried together in the same rock layers?

Dr. Werner, who traveled 200,000 miles in his research, asked various paleontologist at dig sites around the world this question: "Have you found modern animal fossils in the same rock layers as dinosaurs?

Curiously the answer was "No."

Hmm. Well that doesn't bode well for creation and the flood does it? So what is going on?

He wrestled with this problem for a while until he thought "maybe I am not asking the right question."

If you were talking to an atheistic evolutionary minded paleontologist you must understand they would never go into a dig with their mind open to finding a modern animal fossil with the dinosaurs. 

Thus the new question became: "Have you found modern-like animal fossils in the same rock layers as dinosaurs?

The new answer was "Yes." Millions. Parrots, penguins, owls, flamingos, crocodiles, lizards, hedgehogs, rabbits, cormorants, turtles, dragonflies, porcupines, squirrels, pigs...! They have been finding mammal fossils with baby dinosaurs in their stomachs! 
Also many modern plants, trees and flowers are found in the same layers as the dinosaurs such as redwoods, cones, willows, ferns, and figs.
We are not told, but  there are modern day plant and animal fossils in EVERY layer of earth! 

Question 2: "Are there any differences between these modern-like plant and animal fossils and the plants and animals today? 
The Answer: "No."

Why won't you see this in a museum or a science journal, or a school text book?
Because it goes against evolution and they are so very religiously attached to this story that they hide the truth!

These scientists have a sneaky trick so that you and me and my kids and your kids and even the church, will believe this false religion.

These scientists rename the genus and species on the fossils so you think these fossils represent different animals than animals of today in order to create the illusion of evolution! The only difference is the name. But of course a rose by any other name is still a rose!

Imagine a museum diorama of a dinosaur along with modern day ducks, mice, squirrels, and trees! What a different conclusion we would come to!

Monday, 21 August 2017

Creation SuperConference Part 1 - The Importance

If you don't stand for something,
you will fall for anything.
Henry DeRoos (Evangelist)
Twenty-seven  hours of sessions in six days. That's a lot of blog post! I wish you could have all been there but I will try to share in a reasonably readable way.

Youth and Young Adults are Leaving the Church
Many years of studies have shown this trend. Barna surveys show 60% loss and  PAOC shows 90% loss. 
What is new, are the studies explaining why they are leaving. 
Surveys and studies show that the teaching of evolution has had a major impact on middle school, high school and university students losing trust in the Word of God and thus in God Himself.
The evangelist we heard (Henry DeRoos) shared that the evolution/creation issue is at least 1/3 of all questions posed on the streets from people of all ages and ethnicity.

Although discredited by scientists as a possibility, evolution is still taught as fact in schools and adhered to religiously in research, by professors, and natural history museums.
Scientists from all areas: chemisty, astronomy, geology, paleontolgy, biology, genetics and physics, agree there is no evidence for evolution. When interviewed and put on the spot to show any scientific evidence they say things like there is no evidence or they are only speculating. (Dr. Carl Werner who has done 20 years of extensive research, interviewing over 60 prominent scientists worldwide and museum curators worldwide)

These atheistic evolutionary scientists agree there is 
  • no way the universe could have started from nothing - big bang makes no sense.
  • no way life could have started from mere chemicals - where did all the information in DNA come from?
  • no fossils linking one species to another in the evolutionary "molecules to man" process.
And yet...
  • The imaginary artistic drawings of ape to man still exist in text books today (as if all it would take for ape to become man would be a bit of hair loss and to stand up straight!)
  • The imaginary artistic drawings of embryos and how all embryos look alike no matter the species are still published in text books even though it was a complete lie and forgery (embryos of different animals look very different!)
  • Ernst Haeckel created fraudulent drawings of embryos to increase the resemblance between them and to hide their dissimilarities (top row), in order to use the idea of embryonic recapitulation to promote Darwin’s theory of evolution. The photographs in the bottom row are of actual embryos. Amazingly, Haeckel’s drawings are still used today.

  • The imaginary artistic drawings of a chain of evolution from one species to another such as dinosaur to bird, or the walking whale are only that - imaginary drawings! There has been no fossil found and there have been over ONE BILLION fossils found now!
  • The imaginary artistic renditions of whale evolution. Researches presupposed this to be so, thus they drew on flukes, and fins, blowholes and special ear bones that WERE NOT THERE! Museums to this day still show the artistically enhanced fossil and proclaim whale evolution.
Evolution is indeed a religion that is hung onto with passion.

Next post will be some of the amazing science that points to Genesis as true history.

Friday, 4 August 2017

A History Left Untold

If you were to create a Mosaic of Canadian History and Influence, what would you include? What would you leave out?

I find it fascinating to observe not just the creative artistry of Mosaic Canada (see my last blog post), but also the overall scene which by the mere fact of what is included and excluded, gives some insight into Canada's worldview today.

Personally, off the cuff, for me, Canada = 
  • Remembrance Day 
  • First Nations - Inuit art, totem poles... 
  • Mining 
  • Railroad 
  • Forests and Lumber industry
  • Fresh Water 
  • Our flag 
  • RCMP 
  • Immigration (past and ongoing, refugees, worldwide)  
  • French/English immigration and tensions 
  • Inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell (telephone etc.) and Banting and Best (insulin)
These are my immediate thoughts. and in the order I thought of them. There is much more such as fishing, and wheat fields, mountains, the fur trade, and the Calgary Stampede. But those were my quick thoughts.
Mosaic Canada reflected most of these and more.

It also reflected a spirituality of Canada's past and present as seen in 
  • Multiple First Nations topiaries -  "Mother Earth, the Legend of Aataentsic," "Wisakedjak and the Creation of the Earth," and "Born with the Sun." just to name a few.
  • Chinese spirituality in the "Blessing of the Good Omen Dragon," and "Joyful Celebration of the Nine Lions."
What it was missing was the entire bringing of Christianity to Canada by French and British explorer/missionaries. That fact speaks volumes about Canada's present worldview.

This spiritual truth of Canadian history is also missing in our public school system, text books, and museums. The fact that our Parliament building has multitudinous Scripture references engraved in stone and Christian symbols prominently displayed is not discussed. This part of our Canadian History is being erased.
And, Mosaic Canada confirmed it.
"Three Ships from France" was the closest to remembering our Christian heritage. Add the cross yourself... The topiary you see in the background is the inuksuk.