Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Disappointed with the "Heroes"

I have been challenged  in many ways as I have been working my way through 1 and 2 Samuel for our weekly Bible Study, One thing that has come to light for me is that just because people have made a particular person in history a hero or for the Roman Catholics even a saint (God would call anyone who believes in Christ a saint by the way), doesn't mean we are to be like them and it certainly doesn't mean we are to follow them.

Take David for example. I personally find him one of the most disappointing people to read about. I have been horrified as I have read big chunks of Scripture at a time to see all the character flaws and  sin in David's life.  And yet, people tend to immortalize David with commentary that he was a man after God's own heart,  he was brave and courageous and a mightily man of valour. He was a beautiful worshiper, and eased King Saul's suffering with his music. He had great self control and honour for the king who ended up turning on David due to jealousy. David could have killed him but chose to honour God's anointed one instead.We see "pictures" of him tending his sheep or as a little boy slaying the giant enemy Goliath.

All that is true, but this is also true...

David was a  murdering, adulterous, war mongering, enslaving, plundering liar. Without Christ he'd be in hell for eternity. He is not to be followed. He is not to be put on a pedestal. he is just a man whom God used for His purposes. God created him, loved him, and could see him the way He would have been if the fall in Genesis chapter 3 had never happened.
It's kind of like what the masterpiece painting would have been if someone hadn't spilt coffee all over it then tried to clean it up with bleach.

David's good points don't outweigh his bad ones. God does not approve of David in all these areas. He loved David, used David, listened to David, and saw David's potential, but he also sent David to hell... until Christ.

We just cannot judge God by what God's people do. There is no one that reflects the pure image of God that we were created with ... except Christ. 

The Bible is such an amazing history book. The mere fact that it unloads all this sin in the history of these "heroes," is one of many proofs that the Bible is true! No other culture's history does this. As I read through Samuel, I see with new eyes the people of old, and am grateful God chose to include their weaknesses as well as their strengths giving an honest account of history. And I shall be more grateful again for Christ.  No following heroes, no following saints -  only Christ - who never disappoints.

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