Monday, 26 June 2017

A Surprisingly Good Time!

Docents, art matches, and gourmet grilled cheese.
These are just some of the experiences Anna-Lee and I have had over the last few weeks as we have traveled to the National Art Gallery.
  1. Docents. I had never heard this word and for the first two weeks I had no idea what was being said when we purchased our entry tickets. These ladies,  however, made our experience at the Art Gallery worth going back again and again. They are experts in the field of art history. Each day they choose a painting to present. At 12:00 Anna-Lee and I ventured to whatever room the painting of the day was in, and prepared to LEARN. Now, it is not too difficult to learn something when you go in not knowing anything, but this  truly has been a very rich experience - and it was free! We learned what makes renaissance... renaissance, how they painted on boards not canvas, the classic face, the golden plate halo... We leaned that many artists had up to 12 associates that helped them with their painting, each in their area of expertise such as backgrounds, battles, clothing, hands... We learned about framing, and patrons, and mythology combined with religion often found in these paintings. We learned about contemporary art and how the historical time frame, wars, and political atmosphere affected their art. We learned that the painting "Fire,"  a huge vertical painting with one red stripe going down the middle of a blue background was done by a Jewish artist and represents Moses and the burning bush. What cost the Art Gallery 5 million dollars is now worth 20 million.
    A beautiful indoor courtyard with lovley music and art to enjoy
  2. The Art Match. There is a lovely newly opened area just renovated focused on Canadian artists. Within this section is an area that is interactive. It's great. One such interaction is the "art match." All on computer, you are asked various questions, and depending on your answers, they match you with what they feel would be the art you would most appreciate. They show you the photo and some info on it, and then tell you where to go in the gallery to find it. Anna-Lee and I both did it. Fun, yes, accurate, hmmm.
    Anna-Lee's match - School Teacher meeting Trustees
    Linda's match -  Caughnawaga Women
  3. Gourmet Grilled Cheese. Wow. It is always a little stressful going to a new and strangely set up cafeteria don't you think? This one is set up with mini stations around, but where do you start? Our first trial was to find where to get the trays! Of course the brunt of the job in getting around is Anna-Lee's as I can't see! She did a bang up job and we made it to both the salad station and the hot food station with trays in hand. I taught her my trick of watching others to find where to go to pay, and where they put the dirty trays  The gourmet grilled cheese though... I think it had apricots on it or something. I went for the Caesar wrap the next time.
 Next on the agenda is an audio self-guided tour with a fashion designer as our recorded guide!

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