Tuesday, 11 April 2017

The Saddest Verse in the Bible

Of course that is subjective - there are a lot of sad verses in Scripture, but yesterday, I read one that made my heart feel deep sadness.
It reflects both the tragedy of humanity that has believed a lie, and also the deep sorrow of God Himself.
The straightforward honesty of God in telling it is like is, brought a deeper revelation to me yesterday of a tragedy far greater than Shakespeare could have ever written.

The Setting and the Context
It takes place circa 1025 BC.
Samuel, a prophet of God, is discussing with God a request made by the Hebrew people. These people had lost a battle against the Philistines a few years back. They'd trotted out the ark of the Covenant thinking it was the lucky charm. The very presence of God Himself and a shoe-in to victory. They were wrong.  God can't be trotted out and put to bed whenever and however people want
And so, they lost the battle - and the ark for a time.

The Verse
1 Samuel 8:6,7
 But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” So Samuel prayed to the Lord. And the Lord said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. 

God is a good King. A loving, compassionate King. An eternal King. And also a King that requires obedience and righteousness. He is all powerful, all Holy, all Good, and yet they rejected Him flat out as their King. 
They wanted a human instead. A human who would go out and fight for them instead of the Almighty God.
A mortal human they could chant "Long lives the king" to, instead of an immortal eternal King who always was and always will be.
They wanted a human king, so they would look like everyone else.
1 Samuel 8:20
1 Samuel 10:19
1 Samuel 10:24

I felt the saddness for what was taking place in 1025 BC and yet I still feel it for today.
All around, I hear God's name taken in vain.
All around I see how we set up thrones and crown oursleves king or queen.
All around I see how we deny the truth of God's Kingship.
We've taken Him out of government, out of public education, out of medical care, and even some places out of the church, making up our own ways rather than the ways of the True King.

So, I am asking a very patient God to reestablish His Kingdom -  in all parts of my life, my family's life, the church,  Israel, and on the earth. Forgive us and please once again be our King. I pray we would  all be able to make this cry to the One who truly is King.


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