Tuesday, 10 May 2016

The Unusual Mother's Day Gift

One of the topics I spoke about at the Ontario Homeschooling Conference was Organization. This is more than just a task-oriented talk of "how to's." This is heart. When we don't have  a grasp on our homes and homeschools we can feel overwhelmed and a failure at everything. Some even quit homeschooling because of this.

I have come a long way in this area as I would rather do almost anything than household chores. My mental energy has gone to many other areas such as caring for our special needs daughter, writing, coordinating speakers for our own homeschool Conference, teaching Sunday School and of course homeschooling...

One area however, that I have desired to move into is purging.
With my limited vision, I really do not like clutter. I need to know where things are and be able to find things when I want them otherwise I can get very tired and frustrated.

This Mother's Day, I got my wish. My husband got me the promise of a dumpster!
So, Sunday afternoon, the four of us went downstairs and started purging.
A delightful, wonderful, freeing fun-filled family afternoon that ended with a game of darts with a dart board we could now access!

A great start!

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