Friday, 6 May 2016

Fort McMurray

If a blog is supposed to reflect what one is thinking about, then what else could this blog post be about than Fort McMurray, the wildfire, the evacuees, and the firemen.
Thoughts have traveled from those we know in Fort Mac, hearing some are safe up north in the work camps while the rest of their family made it to Edmonton, to hearing of the generosity and love being poured out in communities that are hosting and providing for those who had to evacuate with very little of their possessions.

Today my heart's thoughts are with the firefighters. The deep exhaustion, the realization that without God sending rain and controlling weather, they truly cannot extinguish this inferno using just man's power and wisdom - although they won't give up doing their part, and the courage it takes to travel the opposite direction than the masses.

So much I can learn from these role models for my daily walk in this world.

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