Wednesday, 23 September 2015

A Glimpse

It's been great to be back at Intercessory Prayer Monday nights. The last couple years I have been at my daughter's ballet classes, so I have had to put it on hold. This year, ballet is being held on other days.

Last Monday I had a brief "glimpse" of God. It was an impression, a brief picture and a concept all at once. It spoke to my mind and heart and spirit - all at once.

Here it is:
The picture was of the universe - well, a section of it. Immense, enormous, magnificent.
The words were "eternal majesty."
And the concept was "How can we have any fear, or worry, or doubt if we truly comprehend His eternal majesty. His eternal sovereignty. His eternal bigness. His eternal past present future massiveness. This is our God.
The heart and spirit of this just keeps coming. There is nothing that comes close to Him in who He is.
 Words cannot describe it.

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