Thursday, 17 September 2015

Blue, black, red, white...

Sometimes I read an aritcle and it will peek my curiosity.
After curiosity naturally comes some research.
Here was the comment that took me on a little research tangent this morning.
"Be youself - everyone else is taken."

This quote in an article by Tim Elmore (a speaker and author on leadership especially for youth and young adults), came in his blog post observing how a huge percentage of older adults in "America" want to look young even when they most assuredly are not. 
This is contrary to many cultures around the world who embrace the wisdom and importance of the elders. 

Tim started talking about the dyeing of hair and the clothing we wear as one means to pretend we are still young.

So, I did a tad of research on the history of dyeing hair.
I came across another quote that I will leave with you to ponder - or not.

 Aesthetic tendencies drift with the cultural currents, but our drive to alter ourselves is constant.



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