Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Story Time

 This summer is a new season - Anna-Lee is off to a music day camp for two weeks. She's gone from 7:30 a.m. until about 5:00 p.m. For a homeschool Mom this is a major change in lifestyle.
I miss her, but it is such a joy to have "story time" over the supper hour - and it definitely stretches to the hour (or two) as everyone has their chance to tell their stories of the day.

I believe stories are what binds hearts, families, and generations together.

Both my girls love to hear stories of family from long ago - my recollections of my Grandparent's houses, games played, school days, friends and holidays. As we spend time telling and listening to each others stories we are binding ourselves to one another more and more.

And on a precious note: each morning before Anna-Lee leaves, she slides a note of love under her sister's door for her to find when she gets up. Sweet.

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