What am I referring to?
Anna-Lee is at a Music Day Camp for two weeks playing her clarinet in wind ensemble, band, and orchestra and she even gets to take a percussion class! She is gone from 7:45 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. each day (travel included as the school is way out in the east end). On the whole she is enjoying the experience and learning lots.
I however...
- am experiencing waking my daughter up each morning and her being so tired that on Tuesday she fell back asleep - reminds me of the Zits cartoon.
- am experiencing making her breakfast to go - she eats it in the car on the way as it's just too early for her to sit down and eat before she goes.
- am experiencing making zip lock bag lunches every morning.
- am experiencing getting things done around the house in the day and even having time for some extras.
- am experiencing having to get supper on the table as early as possible so she can go to bed on schedule.
- am experiencing homework - she's working all day and they want her to practice at night. Are you kidding me?! She needs to go swimming and get some exercise. I think homework (and school for that matter) is the root of obesity in children!
- am experiencing a turn to prayer all day in a new area as she eats in the cafeteria with other girls in her class and is being exposed to the concept of peer pressure with people I have never met.
- Most of all I am experiencing missing the quality and quantity of time I am used to spending with my daughter.
Certainly these experiences have given me a new gratitude and appreciation for our precious homeschooling way of life.
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