Sometimes I take pages to describe what I am thinking!
Today I will use a picture to help.
There are a lot of things we can put on that scale to weigh it down.
Various circumstances come to mind. They can be pretty heavy at times. Things that cause us to be discontent.
But what is on the other side.
What can tip the scale to result in contentment?
What outweighs circumstances?
Paul in Philippians chapter 4 said he found the secret - it was Christ giving strength in all things.
The writer of Hebrews said we can be content because God will never leave or forsake us (Heb. 13:5)
The circumstances don't go away. We just tip the scales with what is on the other side.
I'm putting forth that we can rest the Character of God on the other side. The knowledge that God is our Friend. He walks with us through everything. That He is sovereign. That He is good and compassionate. That He sees more than we do and He's invested Himself in our lives.
I don't think circumstances need to make or break our contentment. We can be content despite the circumstances.
My goal is to get to know His character better, so on this journey of life, my scales regularly have God's character outweighing circumstances.
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