Sunday, 8 January 2017

The Inconvenient Prayer

We know it's a good thing to do. A priority even.
And yet aside from breath prayers throughout the day, grace at meals and good morning and good night prayers with the kids, dedicated prayer time is hard to do.

A friend and I started praying on an almost daily basis a few months ago, and yet once the immediate prayer need was no longer an issue, life once again got in the way and our daily phone calls started to taper off.

Yes, phone calls. That in itself was a revolution! it just doesn't work to alwasy be in physical proximity, so we began the phone prayer. And it worked - for a time.

Since Christmas, we have attempted to get back up and runring with our phone prayers. But it's hard!

We have come to the conclusion that prayer is often inconvenient.
So, we call it our "inconvenient prayer time," and we do it anyway.We phone even if it means we have 2 mintues. Even if it means we have other things to do. Even if we don't know if the other person is free. And if we receive the call and it is inconvenient, we pray anyway, because it is our "inconvenient prayer time."

It is a statement to all the powers and principalities that God is first. Prayer is important. Inconvenience is a given and God is worth the inconvenience!

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