Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Wandering or Aiming

Maybe it's the mid-life crisis thing, but there comes a time when one doens't want to wander aimlessly here on earth just putting in time.  I hit that time a while back and God gave me a "life mission" Scripture. 

It doesn't tell me where to go or what to do or what tomorrow will look like, but it gives me a good idea of how to be.
 1 Sam 2:35
I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind.
This promise is for Samuel, but the part that struck me was that Samuel would do according to God's heart and mind. This is my desire.
This allows me to always know when I am off track. This is my constant prayer.

The other day I  had a word picture that has helped me.
Picture me with my foot on the accelerator, but I am handing the steering wheel to God. 

This will lead me to say yes to going on a mission trip to Guatemala, and the Lord being the One to stop it if I am not to go. He did.
Or me saying yes to going to Israel and leaving it up to Him to stop it if I am not to go.
Uncertain as to the result of that one yet.

I knew a man who lived for God fully. He was a full blown evangelist. You know how we might pray, "Lord, if you want me to talk to someone about You, point them out to me." Well, he'd pray, "Lord, if you don't want me to talk to someone about You, then point them out to me, because otherwise I intend to."

This was a man who had his foot on the accelerator and handed the steering wheel over to God.

On my epitaph, you can write - God finally put the brakes on.
Until then, metal to the floor - doing the heart and mind of God.

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