Friday, 8 May 2015

Found it

Anna-Lee and I have gone exploring our backwoods "trails" - more like deer paths every day.
Yesterday, we went farther than we have every gone before - forging our way over roots and rocks and low hanging branches, uphill and down through muddy pathces, and dried up meadows. 

Well, we found it. The burned out area described in a recent blog where fire engines went racing past our house to the end of our street. It must have been at least a kilometer from the regurlar path. How the firemen got back to that area quickly with all their gear is amazing. 

Indeed they did and must have done a remarkable job to extinguish the fire quickly as very little damage was done - but boy did it stink! We are told that they carry in a special pump they put in the lake in order to access water.

We carried on far past that point, seeing parts of the lake we had never seen before. Now not only do we know where the turtles come to sun, we know the chickadees nest, and many other landmarks Anna-Lee had to locate in order to get us both back home. Great training for guiding Mom in Israel which we are told is quite uneven ground.
This is not shadow - but rather the burnt out area
4 acres apparently
A tranquil area

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