Friday, 5 December 2014

A Poem

The other day a friend gave her daughter a challenge to write a poem starting with this line:
Gumption and Gusto to get through the goo...

This line is circulating now and I thought I'd take up the gauntlet and try my hand at it.

Hitting 3 g's

Gumption and gusto to go through the goo,
It’s become such a habit what else would I do?
Push the chair up the lane when the battery’s low
Or the wheels are spinning in un-shovelled snow.

Get up nice and early day after day
To call ParaTranspo to take us away
Hitting the redial time after time
Only to get through and be told “hold the line.”
Standing and waiting and pacing the floor
I start my day “right” praying ten minutes or more
“Lord, help me get through before there are no more rides,
and we can’t get a bus where we chose to abide.”

I’m sure Franklin Agenda has not a clue
Double bookings are actually easy to do.
One kid goes here and one kid goes there
And mom is left standing pulling her hair.
Is supper at five or is it at nine?
We’ll eat when we eat so please don’t whine.

SHEP and Arise, and LPB
PT’s and OT’s and CCAC.
OYOA, and Para, Propeller and more
My brain’s in a whirl from our revolving door.

The week’s almost done
We have math left to do
And sewing and Spanish, and clarinet too
Being a homeschool Mom is a busy career
And some would say even a little bit queer.

White canes and wheelchairs, ensemble and ballet
Foot braces and hair buns fill every day
So, gumption and gusto to go through the goo?
Goo is a plenty but recall the first two.

Gumption is gutsy, its courage and spunk
It’s carrying on when the rest would say “bunk.”
Gusto is fervor and passion and heart
No one but Mom can do that part.

So despite the disability, distractions and duty
Even in discipline and dyslexia there's beauty
Hence, there’s no place like home
No one I’d rather be,
Than the homeschooling Mom
Of this special family.

Glossary of terms:
SHEP - Science, History Enrichment Program (a homeschool co-op)
Arise - A Christian ballet school
LPB - Les Petits Ballets (a performing company ballet school)
PT - physiotherapy
OT - occupational therapy
CCAC - Community Care Access Centre where we have a PSW (personal support worker)
OYOA - Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy
Para - ParaTranspo (the Ottawa bus system for people with disabilities that both my daughter and I use)
Propeller - the Dance Company with which my oldest daughter works. 


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