Saturday, 1 March 2014

Remembrance Moments

As a Homeschool Mom and Sunday School teacher, I am often surprised when my teaching gets forgotten! To compensate for this forgetfulness, I will ask some review questions to get everyone back up to speed. A time to remember where we left off. Of course I can't do this for every fact that is ever taught, but it does help to get the main context back in mind.

God describes Himself as our Teacher, however as His student I can be very forgetful. There are so many lessons and revelations He has taught that I have promptly gone and forgotten!

I had a sudden thought that just like those "Remembrance Moments" I do with my kids in homeschool or my Sunday School classs, I need Remembrance Moments too.

Our society recognizes the importance of having days set aside to "remember" - Remembrance Day, or Mother's Day for instance.

I believe I need Remembrance Moments each day. A few minutes set aside to ask our Lord - "What do You want me to remember today." He knows what I'll face today and need to remember.  I'm thinking that would be much preferable to repeating the whole lesson!

 Prov 3:1-2
My son, do not forget my teaching,
but keep my commands in your heart, 

for they will prolong your life many years
and bring you prosperity.


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