Monday, 27 January 2014


I'm feeling it again.

There are many times and reasons in life when I have felt "happy." So many examples come to mind - a good mark on an exam, spending time with a friend, my wedding! A trip to ... anywhere... a funny moment with my family, playing with the cat, feeding a chipmunk...

Then there are times when I feel gladness.  This is usually due to a grateful heart. As I sit here and type I am listening to my nine year old reading Scripture to her Daddy before bed. I have gladness. It is good.

Joy though is different.
Joy is deeper.
Joy is richer
Joy can come even in the dark.

I have found this deep joy comes when:
1. I am learning something from God - a revelation of His Word and His heart.
2. I am being used by God to do His will.

There is no greater delight then learning from God. When Scriptures start to connect together and collide in sudden revelation.
The kids and I are working our way through the book of Mark in Sunday School, and all throughout the book of Mark, Jesus taught. Everywhere He went He taught. He says in Mark 1:38 that preaching/teaching is why He has come

These Aha moments and the joy of hearing from God that follow has come in many places though - the halls of the hospital to the airplane over Kosovo. It has come in various situations - on receiving devastating news or in the middle of teaching Sunday School.
Jesus is a teacher - and I love my Aha moments!

When I am being used by God, it is most often (if not always) because I am out of my comfort zone. A very exciting place to be actually. It is the place I most frequently meet God. He's always there in that zone. Of course He is in every zone, but I most often seek Him and find Him when I am in that "yikes, what do I do now" zone.
When someone asks for prayer and it seems so huge,  when I am suddenly put in charge of a Ladies Bible Study in a foreign country, when I am asked to speak at a homeschooling meeting...

Because it's not about me and what I can do - it's about what God wants to do for others - through us!

So the joy comes in teaching kids Sunday School. The joy comes in homeschooling, The joy comes in reading Scripture and finding how verses relate to one another, the joy comes when I give a word in due season...

How I desire to daily live in that joy. The joy of being in constant communion with my Creator, Saviour and Teacher.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, JOY, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Gal 5:22.


  1. I know that joy. I too love being used by God.
    Wow, I can't believe that she's 9 years old already. I remember meeting you guys when she was 2.

  2. That is one of my favorite scriptures.
    Joy that is a lovely thing to write about. I really like it. Even though it is not around at all times. TI think though God does want us to be learning at all times.
