Saturday, 13 January 2018

A New Platform

I know a platform is something you stand on. I think of a high diver standing on a little platform before plunging to the pool in a series of flips and somersaults.
I do not think that is what is meant in the field of blogging though when someone mentions a platform. I am not exactly sure what is meant, but that is OK because my youngest daughter is. For a while now, she has told me I needed to upgrade my blog's look and feel.

She knows more than I about such things and so I asked her to teach me.
Thus, I now have embarked on my new site.

I may still come here on occasion to blog about our travel experiences, but I will always link it from my new site.

So please join me at:
Others find it very helpful to subscribe or follow (I do not know the difference if there is one). All you do is push a button, sign up, and you will receive an email when a new post comes along!

So, thank you to my youngest for her expert advice and please enjoy the new look and feel of the Compass Rose.

Monday, 1 January 2018

Two Holidays

Christmas and New Year's Day.

It all started with a dream....
There I was in the Toronto hotel room dreaming away. I was walking outside with the Lord. He was showing me things. Pointing out lights and a nicely green lit wreath hanging kind of on nothing actually! I opened my arms wide and said and felt "this is glorious!" 
Then He spoke the one word "Immanuel" which means God with us. And I knew that was the point. That from now on I would not think of Christmas as merely "Merry Christmas" as much as it would be "Happy Immanuel Day!"
God came and dwelt with us and He through His Holy Spirit still abides with us continually.

And now here we are a week later at New Year's Day!
I realized yesterday that the New Year is truly a concept designed by God! Not the way our culture celebrate or at the time we celebrate but Rosh Hashanah is His idea. The fact that we have months and circle around to start the same months over, the fact that we should take stock of our year and plan for the next one is all His idea.

Yesterday my daughter asked me "What's your favorite memory of 2017?" This is a great question which I pondered and had a couple responses to.  However, I will also ask myself what is my not so favoirite memory. I will take time to repent. And I will take time to seek for His guidance for this coming New Year of 2018.

Go forth!