Tuesday, 21 November 2017

A Number

Our culture has really done a number on us.
As my eldest daughter is preparing to speak to a group of Brownies about "disability" I realized how entrenched even the church has become in the thinking preached by our modern society.

It is tempting when sharing with someone about disability, to share all the things we can do. "Hey, I'm blind, but this is what I do..." And then list all the activities and great things I am involved in and capable of.

Do you see the problem here?

It's subtle and has infiltrated our whole society.
The problem is that we define worth and value by what we have the ability to do and contribute.


Our worth and value come because we are human, created in the image of God.

Having  this Biblical perspective then, explains why we should not euthanize a 90 year old laying in a nursing home, or abort a baby that has screened for Down Syndrome. 
We are not cats that get "put down" when disabled, old, in pain, and have no further hope of living.
We are not animals.
We are human 
We are not just a number.
We are God's image bearers.

Luke 12:6,8
Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins?And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Psalm139:13, 14
 For You created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Thursday, 16 November 2017

One Liners Part Two

I shared a "one liner" from a book I had read a couple weeks ago.
Today, I want to share a one liner from a movie.
The movie is called "A Matter of Faith" and is about the creation evolution issue and how it affects youth in university.

The one line I found profound in this movie was: "You can't just add Jesus to your life, you must submit to Him." 

I have been pondering this line for a while now and have asked myself, "Where am I just adding You to my life Lord vs submitting to You?" 

I suppose that will be a lifelong journey kind of question. One thing that would help in answering it though would be to become aware of what it looks like to be submitted to Christ rather than stapling Christ to my already in tact day.

Teach me to do Your will,
For You are my God;

Psalm 143:10

The great thing is, we do not have to wait around hoping to hear from God as to what His will is! He has set out plainly in Scripture His thoughts on this matter.
We are not under the law anymore like in the Old Testament, however, there is a lot in Scripture that reveals Christ's heart and will.

Here are 50 instructions directly from Jesus to give us some idea of His will and what it might look like to live in submission to Him. I would encourage you to look these up in Scripture to understand the context of these summarized statements made by Jesus.
Living like this leaves no room for just adding Jesus to our day by going to church, saying grace, or singing a song. This submission is radical and why Jesus says it is a narrow road and advises us to count the cost.
  1. Repent—Matthew 4:17, Luke 13:3
  2. Let not your heart be troubled—John 14:27, John 16:33, Matthew 6:25-26, Philippians 4:6-7
  3. Follow me—Matthew 4:19
  4. Rejoice—Matthew 5:12, (Also 2 Corinthians 6:10, 12:10, James 1:2-4)
  5. Let your light shine—Matthew 5:16
  6. Honor God’s law—Matthew 5:17-19
  7. Be reconciled—Matthew 5:24-25
  8. Do not commit adultery—Matthew 5:27-30
  9. Keep your word—Matthew 5:33-37
  10. Go the second mile—Matthew 5:38-42
  11. Love your enemies—Matthew 5:44
  12. Be perfect—Matthew 5:48
  13. Practice secret disciplines (giving, praying, fasting)—Matthew 6:1-18
  14. Lay up treasures in heaven—Matthew 6:19-21
  15. Seek first the kingdom of God—Matthew 6:33
  16. Judge not—Matthew 7:1-2
  17. Do not throw your pearls to pigs—Matthew 7:6
  18. Ask, seek, and knock—Matthew 7:7-8
  19. Do unto others—Matthew 7:12
  20. Choose the narrow way—Matthew 7:13-14
  21. Beware of false prophets—Matthew 7:15
  22. Pray for those who spread the word—Matthew 9:37-38
  23. Be as shrewd as serpents—Matthew 10:16. (Also Romans 16:19)
  24. Fear God. Do not fear man— Matthew 10:28 (Also Luke 12:4-5)
  25. Listen to God’s voice—Matthew 11:15, 13:9, 13:43, Mark 4:23, Luke 14:35, 1 Kings 19:11-13
  26. Take My yoke—Matthew 11:29
  27. Honor your parents—Matthew 15:4
  28. Beware of false teaching—Matthew 16:6, 11-12
  29. Deny yourself—Luke 9:23 (Also Matthew 10:38 and Mark 8:34)
  30. Do not despise little ones—Matthew 18:10
  31. Go to Christians who offend you—Matthew 18:15 (Also Galatians 6:1)
  32. Forgive offenders—Matthew 18:21-22 (Also Proverbs 19:11)
  33. Beware of covetousness—Luke 12:15
  34. Honor marriage—Matthew 19:6, 19:9
  35. Lead by being a servant—Matthew 20:26-28
  36. Make the church a house of prayer for all nations—Mark 11:17
  37. Pray in faith—Matthew 21:21-22, John 15:7
  38. Bring in the poor—Luke 14:12-14
  39. Render unto Caesar—Matthew 22:19-21
  40. Love the Lord—Matthew 22:37-38
  41. Love your neighbor—Matthew 22:39
  42. Be born again—John 3:7
  43. Await My return—Matthew 24:42-44
  44. Celebrate the Lord’s supper—Matthew 26:26-27
  45. Watch and pray—Matthew 26:41
  46. Keep My commandments—John 14:15
  47. Feed my sheep—John 21:15-16
  48. Make and baptize disciples—Matthew 28:19
  49. Teach disciples to obey—Matthew 28:20
  50. Receive God’s power—Luke 24:49

Saturday, 11 November 2017


Privacy is a hot topic these days. Big data - the collection of multiple sources of data, and the piecing of it all together to give a  comprehensive picture of each one of us, is causing people concern. It's really the end of privacy as we once knew it.

That aside, there is one area which is even more extreme in its lack of privacy than big data, and yet, I am grateful for it. It actually gives me a feeling of peace and freedom. 

That lack of privacy is the Lord. There is absolutely not one iota of anything about us  that is private. Not one thought, dream, action, word... nothing.

But..  God will NEVER use any of it against us. Ever. In fact, He knows it all, and loves us anyway. So much that He took the penalty for every single thing we wish was private!

From the time I became a Christian, this knowledge that God knows everything about me, has been one of the most freeing and reassuring understandings of my faith. There is nothing He could find out about me, that would ever affect my relationship with Him. Nothing will ever take Him by surprise or change His mind about loving me. No privacy.  Nothing hidden. No masks.
No worries.

Friday, 10 November 2017

The Atheist's Default

I did something today I have never done before.
I perused two atheist websites. 
Made me feel like a spy collecting intel!
What I discovered was quite revealing.

Whether they call themselves atheists, humanists, secularists, or freethinkers, the themes of their articles and blog posts reveal to me that these individuals are atheists not because they have worked to discover truth or the existence of God, but rather because the desires of their hearts are such that they do not want to be accountable to God.

Repeatedly, the articles dealt with four things: abortion, doctor assisted killing,  evolution, and LGBTQ.

These areas are crucial to these individual's agendas, such that they must declare atheism. The only other alternative is a deliberate rebellion toward a God of truth, morality, and righteousness. They are unwilling to change their agenda. Thus, they must declare atheism in a backwards way of protecting themselves from God's judgement.

Atheism has not come first, it has been a default of their heart's depravity.

The other thing I noticed in their commentaries, was a focus and deep hatred of Christians. Sarcasm, intolerance, and condemnation were specifically directed toward everything Christian. This by the way, is very positive, in that at least some Christians are doing a good job of representing God to the point of receiving the wrath of atheists! It's a persecution that will only increase as God removes His restraining Hand from those who rebel repeatedly.

My opinion only here: From the two atheist websites I perused, I do not see that we are dealing with people that are honestly seeking truth.
Instead, I see a people who want to be their own god, doing things their own way. I see a people who have ignored their consciences that God has given them, and are now being loosed from God's protective, merciful, embrace. I see a people who have shut their ears.

My conclusion from this experience is that we need humility in order to find God. We need to be willing to deny the god in each one of us that wants to rise up and take the throne. We must be willing to be held accountable,  to soften our hearts to the conviction of a righteous God. We must be willing to repent. Only then can we find truth, mercy, and salvation.

Romans 1:24,25
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen

Romans 1:28 - 32 
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.  They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,  slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;  they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Monday, 6 November 2017

The One Liners

One liners usually refer to funny quips, however, every now and then as I am reading a book, I will read a line that is profound.
You know the author has spent time working through something, living through something, in order to write it into the story line.

"Part of her strength came from accepting that it would never be over quickly." (Dee Henderson)

I have seen people whose hope is in God healing them. They zoom from one healing service to another for that magic prayer. That one anointed minister who has the magic touch and they will be set free from whatever ails them.

God does absolutely heal. And ... God also chooses not to heal. 
If hope resides in healing and not in Christ alone, then the result is huge disappointment in the very nature of who God is - and sometimes questioning if  He even is.

When I was in the hospital during my eldest daughter's trauma, I walked the corridors asking God this... "You healed in the Bible. You spoke, it was done. Why are You not healing Monica now?".
Like usual, God did not answer that question directly.
 Instead, He impressed these words on me.

"In the New Testament, I healed and it got a line or two. Go read Job, he got a whole book."

At that moment in time, I knew our walk would be the long haul.
I also knew, and keep reminding myself, that the result will far surpass just a physical healing for the here and now. Job was changed deep in his spirit and soul. At the end he could say, " My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You." Job 42:5

How can we ever experience God as Comforter if we never need comforting. 
How can we experience God as Counselor, if we think we don't need counseling?.
How can we ever experience God as Protector, Refuge, Strong Tower, Sheild... if we are always safe, comfortable, and living a life of ease?

I am told God has about 1,000 names. I don't want to serve a God I do not know. God wants to be known by us. God wants to be involved in our lives. Let us embrace God in every circumstance.

The other part of this, is that God is all wise. He has certain things He wants to develop in us. Perseverance, faith, hope... I want to trust Him to do the work He needs to do in me so I grow and improve.

Not only that, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.…Romans 5:4,5,6