Friday, 31 March 2017

One of my Biggest Life Lessons

Frustration is due to Unmet Expectations.
I have said it, taught it, lived it, and ... thought I'd learned it.
But it keeps coming back to nip me in the heels!

Sometimes I get angry, but when I really look at the anger, it is not just anger.
It is actually frustration.
And always, it is due to an expectation I have that is not being met.

Today was no exception.
Without going into details, I will say that once my anger spilled, I stepped away from it and assessed that indeed, it was an expectation that had not been met.

Understanding this, makes all the difference. It results in a positive conversation of these expectations and an agreement that yes, indeed, they are actually realistic expectations. 
We are all on the same page. And now, the consequences of not meeting these expectation are also understood. 

It ultimately results in growing up for all of us and a lovely reduction of frustration.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Outside the Script

The other evening, I had the opportunity to share about homeschooling our children who were what I called "non-squshable" kids. Those who not only wouldn't thrive in an institutional setting, but likely would not even survive it.

I spent lots of time preparing, re-preparing, designing a PowerPoint, praying, requesting prayer, and then speaking for about an hour. That though was not the hardest part or the scariest part of that particular evening.

Without a doubt, the scariest part was the part that could not be pre-planned. The part outside the script. 
Q and A.

My philosophy is that we as parents are the experts on our kids. No one else is or can come close to how well we as parents know our kids - well, other than God who is by far THE Expert. So, when the Q and A came I recognized that I didn't have the answers for other parent about their children whom I had never even met! However, there I was madly praying as I listened to question after question and story after story knowing the One who lives outside my measly little script.

There are so many stories. There are so many people that need encouragement. I pray that God, the One who can encourage daily and constantly, would be in each home that was represented at the meeting, going far above what could be asked or imagined in each and every child's life, in every homeschool, and in every parent. 

God writes the script, is in the script and yet He lives outside the script available to guide when we depend on Him totally.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

My New Technology

Dave found a great app for me a copule days ago. and I have already logged a couple hours with it!
Ironically, putting Linda and technology together is an oxymoron.
But this is the exception... audio dramatized Bible. Over 600 actor's voices, sound effects, and background music.
It speaks to my soul along with my mind and heart.

One of the first chpaters I listened to was Revelations chapter 4. 
The sound of the wings of the four living creatures, the rushing waters, the lion and eagle, lightening, thundering and fire, the many voices - and of course God's Word!

Soon I had listened to all of the book of Revelation, the Book of Hebrews, part of Job, Mark, and  Genesis!  Then there was evening and morning. Day one.
Now I am on to day two.

Note: The app is called "Word of Promise."

Monday, 13 March 2017

Sunday School Altered Lesson

It's the first weekend of March break and I knew we'd have a lot less students in class so I didn't even bother preparing a Q and A for Genesis chapter 1.
Instead, I thought we'd celebrate Purim - the Jewish festival from the Book of Esther which was being celebrated by Jewish people all over the world.

However, we got sidetracked. Class was interrupted by a different lesson.
A lesson on not conforming to our world. A lesson on courage and bravery, and standing for Jesus in this dark and veiled world.
A lesson on honouring God in the midst of a world that does not.
A lesson on using God's name the right way for the right reasons.
A lesson on speaking up and standing up. 

And so my two students who came yesterday, got a bit of Esther and a bit of Linda!

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Daily Courage

When I think of courage, I think of some of the great Bible accounts of people like Daniel choosing not to bow down to idols and ending up in the lions den, or Esther going before the king illegally to plead the rescue of her people, the Jews. Or maybe of Stephen who would not deny Christ and so was stoned to death.

However, I beleive God trained up these people to be brave and courageous on a daily basis until they got to the point of just being able to make courageous decison as a matter of their very personality and were able to make that one final decsion that lead to the dcoumentation in Scriputrue.

I think we are no different. Daily we have the opportunity to make courageous choices. 
It takes courage to make a decision that makes us unpopular for example. It takes courage to say no to watching certain movies, reading certain books, or being a part of certain conversations.
It takes courage to tell a child "no."
It takes coruage to put our name and heart on the line and share a thought in public.

May God give us each courage daily to meet the choices of today.
This is our training ground for great and mighty deeds for God.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

What are you thinking?

When I was a little girl, my grandpa used to ask "What are you thinking?" At times I'd answer "nothing."
Not because I didn't want him to know what I was thinking, just because it seemed to be of no consequence.

Today, I felt it would be an interesting project to assess what I am thinking throughout the day- even those inconsequential little thoughts.
I discovered I think in four main categories.

The Questions:
Where's the Para bus? What time do I need to book the bus for tomorrow? How does that affect the PSW coming? How can I make this work and still have Monica ready in time?
Who should I get for a Keynote escort for the Homeschool Conference? Who is going to be the tech support? What defines their role? When am I going to hear back from our Keynote speakers? How long do I give them to reply?
What's for supper tonight? What do I make for lunch? Do we have enough laundry detergent? Should I put grapes on 
the grocery list?
What time is it? How much longer before Anna-Lee has to go to clarinet lesson?
Do I remind Anna-Lee of this.... Is this a good time to mention that??? Where's Anna-Lee at emotionally today? How much should I push on that topic???
What questions can I ask to help Anaa-Lee figure that out herself???

The Teacher Mode 
I start reciting in my mind the three sessions I will be presenting in March and May. I try out different ways to get across an idea.  What if we work with negative temperatures or a certain number of feet in the hole and add piles of dirt...
 Hmm, I wonder if I should include that picture on my PowerPoint. Will that help get my point across better?
That would be a good subject to write about in my blog... Ya da ya da ya da as I write in my brain...

The Past
I can't believe that character in that book made that decision. It totally ruins it. He should have just said a quick "no" to temptation and then he could have been a good role model. I sort of get the battle. He needed extra money to keep his wife with Alzheimers taken care of and he couldn't afford it but still - you need to say a quick "no!" when temptation comes knocking. That's a good lesson. Don't think about it. Don't rationalize. Don't think! Just say no! Dumb book. 
I wonder if I worded that email OK. What did I say again? How might it have been taken... 

The Songs 
Always and constant is a song . Sometimes it is booming in my head and sometimes background. Sometimes it's a hymn or song from church, sometimes old, sometimes new. Sometimes it's a song Anna-Lee plays on her clarinet (classical or jazz or an etude... Sometimes it's a kid's song... How much is that doggy in the window...

OK, so now you know where my brain goes throughout the day when I am not actively engaged in other people!
I think it's been a good use of time to analyze my thinking. I think... according to the below Scripture, I may have a little ways to go!

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8

 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

A Teacher is...

“The mediocre teacher tells. 
The good teacher explains. 
The superior teacher demonstrates. 
The great teacher inspires.” 
~ William Arthur Ward (author)

I suppose I've done the first three. Not sure about that last one.
But, if I could  inspire anyone for anything, it would be to be fascinated and drawn to God.